
Can A Man And Woman Ever Be ‘Just Friends’…?


Guys, have you ever been so tight with a member of the opposite sex that people close to you have found it hard to believe that your relationship is purely based on friendship?

I know I’ve found myself in situations like that before; I’m the kind of female that gets on with men better than I do with women.

No offence to the ladies but I just find friendship with men easier, less dramatic and just generally stress-free. Henceforth, although I do have a FEW girlfriends that I am extremely close to, I also have a lot of ‘boyfriends’ (I call them ‘guy mates’ to make them more distinguishable) that I am extremely close to.

Now here is where the problem arises- a lot of the times when I’m just hanging out with a guy mate, I notice that we get looked at as if we’re a couple.

That’s understandable I guess. However, what I find really annoying is when our own mutual friends begin to doubt the nature of our friendship.

If I had a pound for every time I heard phrases along the lines of – “you guys can’t be just bredrins- something MUST be going on,” “you’re always together- you must fancy each other,” “you like each other but you just don’t know it yet,” or my favourite, “men and women can’t be ‘just friends’- that’s impossible”- I would be a billionaire by now.

So I want to pose this question to GhanaCelebrities.Com readers- is it really that impossible for a man and woman to have a strictly platonic relationship?

Personally, I think it is possible because, some men have such great friendship qualities, yet might not necessarily be your type in terms of looks. For that reason, I think a woman can be good friends with a guy, yet not be physically attracted to him in anyway shape or form.

I think that the media are also to be blamed for the misconception that men and women can’t ever be just friends. I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched a programme or a movie where male/female friendships have evolved into romantic relationships.

I truly believe that with the media constantly showing these kind of scenarios, they promote and perpetuate the (in my opinion) mistaken belief that men and women can’t have a strictly platonic relationship.

What do you guys think? Is it such an illusion that men and women can be just friends?


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17 thoughts on “Can A Man And Woman Ever Be ‘Just Friends’…?”

  1. yes oo a man and a woman can be just friends. i got a lot of male friends, does that mean i m going 2 date n marry all of dem? like u said da media is also is 2 be blame for da misconception. yes its true most friends of da opposite sex end up dating each other but its not all da tym true.

  2. I will say it’s possible yeahmy best friend is a girl we been friends for almost 19 years and we see each other as brother and sisters I mean we advice each other in each other way apart from sex life that’s one thing we don’t do at all but yes being friends with a girl is quite good some woman prefer boys as a close friend because they get a long with each other quite well comparing with girls having other girls as a best friend but one they other side some man like to take advantage of being a girl best friend just to come closer to her to do whatever he wants to do by taking advantage of her than there are plastics and negative side of it but I always say follow your heart don’t ever do stupid thing that can hurt your best friend because one day you might regret what you abuse and let it go I live this topic atleast or maybe I can see how people get along with their best friend and their mind thinking 

  3. of course men and women can be friends but sometimes the temptation is soo huge you can’t resist but to flirt and flirting can escalate especially when your friend look like Menaye Donkor, Jackie Appiah, The two Yvonne’s and etc….lol…

    I’ve come to conclusion that us men are the one always “sometimes” having difficulties controlling our self and my homie Miyagi (sub Bruh) mention “the mind thinking”

    Anyways, big up to Chris and company for hiring more good writers. Nice post by the author .


  4. Damn girl u hitting us with all kinds of articles, love it btw, My assumption is we girls can make friends with guys for a long time without thinking of anything, but men on the other hand always wants to turn the friendship into something else, And the moment u sleep with your guy friend that’s the end of the friendship. Personally i dont believe women can be friends with guys strictly on platonic basis.

    • *blushing* LOL…u guys are REALLY making my head big u know lol…thank u all so much 4 the compliments on my articles…guess I’ve been away 4 so long that I felt I have 2 make it up 2 u guys by bringing some hard-hitting stuff 2 the frontline…I can’t promise that you’ll like every single article but I promise 2 do my absolute best 2 write about stuff that will be of interest…love u guys…xoxo

      • a black girl blushing, what colour did u produce????hahahahahahaa
        if your articles are gonna be a shade of your beauty den i guess u’re gonna churn out some pretty gud articles. i can see you mean business, already hittin us wit ur BBM pin and things. more grease to your elbows. rememba one thing, today it’s compliments, tomorrow it could be some serious bashin. open your heart to receive both in gud faith. holla at your boi.
        Opanin, the Quality Controller.

  5. i like this debate. maybe its more like a sibling issue, or a cousin issue that is what these types of friendships are. so i think it is possible for man and woman to be friends. my best friend is actually also my real life cousin and i must say he has helped me a lot in dealing/understanding stuff about men vice versa i help him understand us women

  6. I mean its no “biggie” for a man and a woman to be mere friends.I usually hang out with guys in school cuz they tell you everything they do behind closed doors.Its such a cool thing but at the same time guys of today have some kind of complicated minds that I do not understand sometimes.Well, the fact is both opposite sex can be mere friends but you got to be alert cuz seriously our minds sometimes screws up and easily leads us into

    • Every one should know that out of 100% ,only 10% will do anything good to you women for free. the good ones are there but the bad ones are many. i am not saying its bad but you need to watch out. and make sure that the one you are dating know your just a friend very well. i think!!. and study how they talk about the one they are dating to you. if they talk bad about them all the time,or they fck them off when your friendship started, watch out.!!!!. if you talk about them and they change the topic watch out!!!. i will take my girl as my friend to spend more time with here. and be good to every other person.

  7. definitely! i went to an only female sss and that should at least make me have more female friends than men, yeah? but believe me, there’s only a female that i can call a true friend. but i have lots of guys as true friends. it’s so cool to be friends with the opposite sex. i know ppl will think u guys have s’thing going on but thats just human nature. (gossip)

  8. oh sumtyms either de guy or de gurl wud think otherwise ba if u get de right frnd den no worries..n it always work wen both the man n de woman r in other serious relationships..

  9. there’s absolutey nothin wrong with that. i personally have more female friends than males.the tricky part comes when one develops an agenda or when the friendship begins to have a strain on your relationship.People will talk abt u no matter wht u do or say so i try not to mind those things that much. Guys and Girls can be friends without any sexual or amorous feelings comin to play.

  10. there’s nothing wrong when a lady and a gentleman decides to be best friends but believe me definately along the way they will feel something for each other. They might decide to ignore it, and move on by not showing any signs for interest to the other person to know how he/she is feeling.

  11. Every one should know that out of 100% ,only 10% will do anything good to you women for free. the good ones are there but the bad ones are many. i am not saying its bad but you need to watch out. and make sure that the one you are dating know your just a friend very well. i think!!. and study how they talk about the one they are dating to you. if they talk bad about them all the time,or they fck them off when your friendship started, watch out.!!!!. if you talk about them and they change the topic watch out!!!. i will take my girl as my friend to spend more time with here. and be good to every other person


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