
Weekly Discussion, Let’s Get Talking: What Do You Hate Most About African Movies?


I can surely pull a long list of the various things I detest in African movies especially those of Ghanaian origin. I guess you have your list of things that annoy and irritate your “bum” any time you sit to watch Ghanaian Movies.

One of my friends said; watching a Ghanaian movie nowadays is like a long prison sentence. It never ends with its repetitive punishments.

What puts me off is the usual “bootleg” British/America accent. No matter how hard these Actors and Actresses try with their fake accents, it comes out like a Chinese married to a German living in Libya and trying to speak English.

It is even worse if the Nigerians try it. The thick Nigerian English accent with traces of Yoruba and Igbo forced to sound like American puts me off completely.

Apart from the accent concoction we struggle with, the prolong scenes and unnecessary loud background music in some African movies make me sick.

I will not dig into the poor presentation of shocking moments. Actors and Actresses unnecessary shout on top of their voices or put up some ridiculous movements. (Jumping haphazardly is a common practice)

Let’s get talking, what do you most hate most about African movies?


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46 thoughts on “Weekly Discussion, Let’s Get Talking: What Do You Hate Most About African Movies?”

      • It’s disrespectful to call some one’s accent thick. How you will feel if non-ghanaian inform you that your accent is thick. Anybody will find another person’s accent to be thick in this whole wide world merely because if both were not born or raised in the same place. Accent is the way one’s sound and there is no way one can speak without a sound. Abena(Quote)

        • Chris you said

          The point which I think you did not grab is the supremacy most of us in Ghana attached or attribute to anything Americanized whiles ours is being tagged inferior to the extent that we even think our accent is bad unless we speak like Americans/British”

          So now you will not disrespect a non- ghanaian accent and call it THICK, will you?

  1. This is one of the best opinions I’ve seen on this site. You nailed it right on the head. I’ve always wondered why these African movies are so bereft of originality. The accent imitation is particularly annoying; and then the titles of the movies….Beyonce, Rihanna, The Game and the likes, clearly trying to imitate the West. What is wrong with speaking in our natural African accent and portraying our culture to the world? This movies are trying too hard to present us the way we are not and it is time we stop such demeaning presentation of ourselves on the screen. And that Nollywood and Ghallywood stuff just makes me want to vomit.

  2. Omg the thing i hate the most about soooo many african movies is their ABRUPT ENDINGS!!!!! like for example in the movie “chelsea” th ending was horrible!!1 i enjoyed the movie but they could have at least made a good ending! Another example is in “The Game”… the ending was ALSO TERRIBLE… another example.. “Crazy Scandals” also had an abrupt ending… so did “Rough Riders” and not to mention “4 play” (loool i know they changed it and hopefully it will be as good as they claim it is in comparison with the other one). Please PLEASE PLEASE make them do something about these abrupt endings for every time i watch these movies i always get this exitement of the ending and i end up getting disappointed. 

    I also hate the HOSPITALS!!! OMG THE HOSPITALS!!! The hospital scenes are terrible!!!!! in “Wrong number” the man got freaking stabbed in the heart (i think) and they brought him to a ben and only dabbed the blood from his chest. CMON!!! would you see that happening in real life? CMON they’re supost to have OXygen masks on him and EkG and MRI scanners on him!!!!! Although I am not Ghanian or Nigerian (Im malian but born and living in new york) I know that Ghana does have those kinds of machines!!! please fix the hospital scenes and the abrupt endings!!!

  3. Lack of originality especially when i realize that the ghana movie am watching is a replica of a nigerian movie. boi do i hate tht!!!!!!

    • i hate FAKE ACCENTS…OMG….the movies lack big time creativity…they r always rushed…I def. hate the romance scenes where the guy takes the girl to the beach or park and walk around for NO REASON…they spent about 10-15 minutes on those retarded scenes…aaaaah…smh

  4. Where do I begin. I love the African movie market, its great but what I hate most is the loud noises in the background, the loud horrible music, the bad wigs,the mics in the scene, the long drawn out scenes of someone washing clothes, driving, thinking, crying, or just sitting there. The guns scenes, with the toy guns and horrible sound effects. The party scenes are horrible but humourous. I can go on but you guys filled in the rest.But its like watching a bad car accident, I just can’t turn away.

  5. The dialog…..OMG is horrible, why do they have to sound like they’re reading word for word from a poetry book? who talks like that in real life? Using big unnecessary words whereas they could break it down and make it sound more natural.

  6. i hate the parts where man take the girls shopping and the girls are always so excited just grab anything without even checking if its their size.

    2. The loud noise 3. The receptionists in movies never look like they can read a book
    4. I hate the love making parts itlook so bad and dirty .
    5. That someone always comes from abroad (america,london) never France, Spain, Germany……..

  7. Witch craft scenes must every movie be added with that someone mention it already the ending of the movies why can’t they just make just part 1 or 2 the so called armed robbery that happens in some movies must they always be smokers or putting some angry movies the rape scenes that happens always have to be a group that does it fake shooting that looks more like fireworks why someone always has to go from the village to the city too make it or people from abroad sending money and is always London or USA 


  9. one thing they ought to know is that……. ITS ACTING NOT DRAMA. An ACTRESS lyk dat DISSAPOINTED WHITE (KALSUMI SINARE somethn somethn) is always faking …either in tears or somthn. she aint NATURAL…… IN ACTING, U TRY AND BE URSELF…ACT NORMAL, LET IT FLOW NATURALLY NOT AS IF WE IN A HALL WATCHING PEOPLE FROM A DRAMA SCHOOL DOING THEIR OWN THING…. CRAP!!! JAY(Quote)

  10. @abena, datz madd funny……i wonder y these jamaicans n hatianz (basically, carribbeans) luv african movies. esp. ghana – nigeria…….whiles we dnt. appreciate it. for moi, the ladies dress lyk a slut. cordination of colors. tryin’ to complement dier accessories n make – up wit thier clothes alwys. end in a terrible way……so many color. poor sound quality n de use of de “F” word in movies. even americans who sayz it, blockz it when itz said on national TV. so y us.??? disgusting,.

  11. Wat i hate bout African Movies is the fake accent, the make up is wayyyy to much , they way they dress specially Jackie is horrible i wonder if the actresses get a say in wat they have to wear!!! Another tin is the location we r tired of seeing Accra shopping mall oooo !! n most of the movies are all the same stories fighting for a prince!!!!

  12. Ok well I won’t overdo it as i might crash the site lol but I also really hate how they just cut from one scene to anthoer which has no relevance and comes from nowhere. Im sitting there thinkin….why this part suddenly what does it even have to do with anything ? Also some of the music they use in the background it TERRIBLE lol. Ok I will leave it there for now…great post Chris you got the tounges wagging on this one lol 😀

  13. What I hate is that some of the dressing dont fit the scene, normally if you are in the house you will not wear wear shoes, or dress in suite and tie, also for intance if a car hit somebody, you call ambulance, not to put you at the back of car seat that hit you, if we called ourselve ghollywood then we have to live up to it, not to do some concert and say we are acting, also some of their smiles are fake….

  14. For me wat I hate most are the long crying scenes. I’m not saying dat no one shd cry but when it becomes too long it becomes irritating. The craze 4 adding “porn scenes” into every movie nowadays is not only unnecessary but stupid. I mean if we want to watch porn we know where to find them.

  15. wow what a topic
    u see i hate those clours they add to the pictures that turn some of hem to “albino” and the make up, sometime u see it that it is not her real facial appearance cos u see tham live and is like they are the ugliest thing on earth.

  16. What i hate most is the character names….the Beyonce’s,Chelsea Rihanna,Shantelle and Greg….etc What happened to Kwame’s,Kofi,Adwoa,Ama Akosua etc? or Aseye,Esinam,Awo,Adobea ,Selorm or something…..What is with this string of foreign “African American” names……Very soon we would have character names like Jay Z(if they haven’t used it already),Lebron,Trina,Lakeisha etc in our movies at  this rate…….
    Then there is the accent…… is like a disease and it is spreading like wild fire in the movies…I understand a few like Rama Brew have accents but for someothers it is too much.I know the Americans don’t try to speak like Ghanaian……..Hel they even say African names in their American accent .lol……..Canadians speak like canadians……..the Aussies speak with their accent…….The Brits do.the Irish.the Spanish  etc………only Ghanaians and other Africans to an extent want to speak like folks in another country……..
    Then there is the issue of the wardrobe …….whoever designs the costumes is whack. I have seen a few good movies in which the characters were dressed on point…..I especially like the way Yvonne Okoro and Nadia(in general)  dress in their movies…..Most times i think Jackie’s characters are also on point. too………Nelson’s characters used to dress soo well but nowaday,her characters leave much to be desired in their outfits in movies….whoever puts together the wardrobe for the movies must beef up their game…..It is not only make up and skimpy  shorts and big necklaces and all those awful colours that make a fashion statement……….sometimes just simplicity is fashionable and smart………….

  17. The problem that you all enumerated are all valid points , no doubt however the worst of all is the seeming lack of creativity by the film makers.There is no originality . The dialogue is absolutely inane. Its like the scripts are written by elementary school students, the cameras used are not meant for features, the sets are badly designed…i mean when was the last time you saw a refridgerator in a person bedroom. The film industry is filled with people who have no business in the business. All they care about is the money, the fame and the free sex they get from young girls who want to get into the industry. These days anybody with a 800dollar HD camcorder is a producer director or writer/ director…My advise for they industry to flourish and to avoid being the laughing stock all intersted parties need to go to school. NAFTI has a good programme for aspiring filmmakers. Take a course in screewriting, directing cinematography. Start with a 10 minute short..then go on to a 30 minute short film . Screen it for diverse audiences and get all the feedback both good and bad. Then based on the knowledge you can venture into full length features….better yet apprentice with a renowned director and learn the ropes.. and above all watch movies everyday. That is the only way one can progressand be better. AND LASTLY THIS INSISTENCE ON USING HANDHELD HD CAMCORDERS…!!!!!……its ok for the first feature but subsequent movies must be an improvement on the first not mirroring the first or worse than the first. They need to experiment with different lenses different cameras, preferably 16mm or 35mm. And lastly I WOULD LIKE TO APPEAL TO GHANAIAN FILMMAKERS TO LOOK FOR DIFFERENT TALENT. EVERY GHANAIAN MOVIE CANNOT FEATURE THE SAME CROP OF ACTORS..Kalsoum ….john..majid…jackie ..yvonne…juliett…A NATION OF 22 MILLION CANNOT SERVE UP THE SAME CAST OF ACTORS AND ACTRESSES IN EVERY MOVIE. I AM SURE THEY ARE OTHER TALENTED ACTORS AND ACTRESSES WAITING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHINE….

  18. one nickname for the directors and producers is copiers and least de majority of these stories shd b their own..
    also,dey shd stop usin those wannabe american fake accents..dey try toooo hard n its really pissin me off..
    furthermore,they shd limits the sex scene and stop cursing as well..

  19. It’s disrespectful to call some one’s accent thick. How you will feel if non-ghanaian inform you that your accent is thick. Anybody will find another person’s accent to be thick in this whole wide world merely because if both were not born or raised in the same place. Accent is the way one’s sound and there is no way one can speak without a sound.

  20. My take on this are so many but i will try and limit it. One thing i have realised is that the actors don’t make any research into their characters before they begin shooting. If you want to leave a mark as an actor you take your job seriously by reading around to improve the character.
    2. most of the actors over react ( i mean their expressions are so overrated. you watch TURN ME ON where Jackie is asking the brother if he was on drugs.
    3. I have always wondered why they stop whatever they are doing to talk to someone. In real life we talk and stuff at the same time.
    4. No where will you go in Ghana that you will find two lovers kissing and fondling each other in the supermarket. Please be realistic.
    5. the scripts are simply so bad. Check out WRONG NUMBER.
    6. stage and props can do something about the spaces they use. I was so much angry to see a blue and red painting in someones house in WRONG NUMBER. PLEASE DONT TREAT YOUR VIEWERS AS IF WE ARE SOME NAIVE, IGNORANT AND PEOPLE WITH LOW IQ.
    7 Lastly if Ghanaians want to write a detective movie they should give us something worth watching. that scrappy investigation in WRONG NUMBER …… i BETTER REMAIN SILENT.

  21. 1. A frog can never turn into a mouse. our actor should stop acting artificially.

    2. Producers should look for good scriptwriters and pay for good scripts and stop copying from foreign movies.

    3. they should come out with real life issues affecting the society and not porns.

  22. Hmm Ensem pii i love Ghanaian and Nigerian Movies, but they got to be real and original sometimes
    We will realli appreciate it too if this producers and directors will take our advices. Most of you have said it all, but i got to add mine . There’s something about shirly’s movies that makes her unique and it will be nice if they can all learn one or two from her . 

          —-  Lets start it off with movie titles. You know i like titles that make me curious to know what the movie is going to be about. we like to be put in suspends but oh no
             only Ghanian and nigerian movies will give u titles like
     broken heart, tears of joy, wicked mother in-law, princess tyra, princess myra, the king is mine, the queens pride, the kings pride,the princess pride,  he’s my man lol oh boi i can go on . give us a break we want  something unique  be creative kakera
         —–lets move on to the  kingdom stuff i am tired of seeing those kinda movies is about time we move from  the  fancy lala  land and come to reality cus to be honest no one live like that in african
     and why do they talk like that pls use simple grammer wai 

     ———Next is the unnecessary 15 mins time wasting  scenes oh boi they have   got to go. 
         -Tell me why they spend so much time wen they go shopping abi we know they are there to buy things we dont need to see the whole changing back and forth cut it short and lets move on.  
        ——Another thing is the gate opening lol lord haver mercy so irritating to sit there and watch them open the gate slowly let the casr in and watch them close it  well thats just me.
        —-So its just happen to be that everyone that plays  hardcore part got to be a smoker right? at lest that what they portray in all their movies.
          – The background noise sometimes you cant even hear wat they saying and pls find a song that fit the scene not some loud rap just mess everything up sometimes is even filled with curse words. They need good sound quality very very important.
          – The dressing. Simple is the word  why cant they be simple but rather try to match everything w what they have. the hair band, jewelry, cloths, bags aaaaaaaaaaaden they got to fit in the character they play not try to prove to us they can dress. 
            —-I love it wen they do movies and they use our own african names than this wannabee stuff.
            –IS funni how everyone trying so hard to talk different i dont even no where they fit. they dont sound american or british so am even lost.
              —- Someone mention hospital scenes and to be honest is very very bad. they realli need to work on that cus sometimes am even ashamed. i no we dont have expensive equipment, but at least u can make the admitting rooms look more appealing . someone will be admitted and will be laying on plain bed with nothing covering them not cool at all.

    man ensem no dooso let me end here kuraa lol
    if we want to go somwhere with our movies, then a lot got to be change

  23. they need to stop exposing their body to the whole world.and stop copying from american movies.i’m a african american,i have friends from ghana,i went to college with them.i seen some of ur movies,it’s crazy.put some cloths ur.too much sex and it’s nasty.ur.ur please do ur,be proud of who ur are,stop copying.them.xoxo shamice

  24. they need to stop exposing their body to the whole world.and stop copying from american movies.i’m a african american,i have friends from ghana,i went to college with them.i seen some of ur movies,it’s crazy.put some cloths ur.too much sex and it’s nasty.ur.ur please do ur,be proud of who ur are,stop copying.them.xoxo shamice

    beyonce became femous by doing her,come on ur,it’s embarassing.


  26. They keep too long on one scene although audince are already aware of what is going on with that scene.Movies are supposed to entertain. They can work more on cutting so many unimportant scenes and make the movie more enjoyable than wasting people’s time to watch up to part 4. Long movies need to be eliminated. I also don’t understand what is going on recently with the actors and actresses. we want movies for entertainment not to watch their nudity. All movies must be rated. i watch movies with my family and I must know if my kids can watch it before the movie start. THE NUDITY ANDTOO MUCH SEX SCENCES MUST STOP. I AM NOT BUYING PORNO MOVIE. THANK YOU.

  27. They keep too long on one scene although audince are already aware of what is going on with that scene.Movies are supposed to entertain. They can work more on cutting so many unimportant scenes and make the movie more enjoyable than wasting people’s time to watch up to part 4. Long movies need to be eliminated. I also don’t understand what is going on recently with the actors and actresses. we want movies for entertainment not to watch their nudity. All movies must be rated. i watch movies with my family and I must know if my kids can watch it before the movie start. THE NUDITY ANDTOO MUCH SEX SCENCES MUST STOP. I AM NOT BUYING PORNO MOVIE. THANK YOU.


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