
Videos: Jackie Appiah, John Dumelo, Juliet Ibrahim, Leila Djansi & Others Speak On their Ghana Movie Awards Nominations


The Ghana Movie Awards 2010 was launched earlier in the year at the Alisa Hotel in Accra. Several months later, after the various committees had done their jobs, the nomination party for the nominees to be unveiled was held.

Indeed, the nomination party took place few days ago at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Accra. The nominations attracted the crème de la crème in the movie industry such as Fred Amugi, David Dontoh, Kofi Middleton Mends, Emmanuel Amarh, Jackie Appiah, Nadia Buari, Majid Michel, John Dumelo, Leila Djansi, Eddie Nartey, Vicky Zugah among others.

Not only them but musicians were also there to give support, after all music and movies go hand in hand.

The press rushed the various nominees for interviews and managed to talk to Jackie Appiah, John Dumelo, Prince David Osei, Juliet Ibrahim, director of ‘I Sing Of A Well’ and ‘Sinking Sands’ Leila Djansi and Kobbi Rana director of ‘Kiss Me If You Can’, ‘2Bad’ and ‘Crazy’ (Cornelius Phanthomas).

We asked them 4 questions in no particular order:

1. What do they think of their nominations?
2. Are they winning their various categories?
3. Who do they think are their biggest contenders?
4. What do they think of the awards in general? Does it have a future?

To find out the answers they gave out, please watch the videos below. Ghana Movie Awards 2010 is organized by G.P Limited in collaboration with Multi TV and slated for Christmas Day 25th December, 2010 at the Accra International Conference Centre.


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44 thoughts on “Videos: Jackie Appiah, John Dumelo, Juliet Ibrahim, Leila Djansi & Others Speak On their Ghana Movie Awards Nominations”

    • Twwww Who the hell does Leila think she is anyways ? She sounded rather calm to my hearing until now….twww no wonder ppl take advantage of her…talking about she really doesnt care, sure Miss you don’t buh the time you stop getting nominations…is the time you’ll care…& that’s when you start writing trash story lines .

    • Twwww Who the hell does Leila think she is anyways ? She sounded rather calm to my hearing until now….twww no wonder ppl take advantage of her…talking about she really doesnt care, sure Miss you don’t buh the time you stop getting nominations…is the time you’ll care…& that’s when you start writing trash story lines .

      • @Adjoa nbaaso),

        you are a bonafide hater on this website. have you changed your looks? ugly devil like you.
        with her looks she shoots the best movies in the world, with yours you can only fuck men for to survive. lol!

        • Oh yea, good you remeber your dad and uncles help me survive.You know what, brains aren’t everything but in your case they are nothing.

      • @osei,

        let ugliness be the portion of you and your entire generation even as Jesus did not remain in the grave. may your entire life be ugly with misfortune following you in Jesus name. 

        evil person. she looks like your ugly mother who was a ashawo to give birth to you.

        • Oh did you forget makeups still exist?Kindergaten papa who uses the computer whiles his fellow chimpanzee guardian is away.Poor you.If I had a face like yours, I would have sued my parentsAnd you know what I got for you, may pain,sorrow, and lack of intelligence be your portion and that of your entire generation.You made me lol so much that I called my friends to come read your nursery ryme.They were like oh charlie “guy no oy3 gyimigyimi, so lef am”I wish GC could allow its readers to atleast post their pixs on here for just a day so you can realise the animal and fool you are.Oh, did you say ur chimpanzee mama?Awww, so ur mum got the chance to sleep around?Good for her.Are you always stupid or is today a special occasion?You might want to tell us how much refund you expect on your head now that its empty.Anyway, Keep talking , someday you might say something intelligent.

  1. dis Leila gurl is kinda rude biiiiii..wheeeew..i like John’s sense of humor..Jackie nso ne ne brofo gon b fun dat 25th day..wish i cud b der..

  2. Twwww Who the hell does Leila think she is anyways ? She sounded rather calm to my hearing until now….twww no wonder ppl take advantage of her…talking about she really doesnt care, sure Miss you don’t buh the time you stop getting nominations…is the time you’ll care…& that’s when you start writing trash story lines ..

  3. you haters leave leila alone. she says she does not care about winning. its about having fun. what is rude about that? you people are such villagers. what is ghana movie awards that she has to give a fuck about? 

    its hard to see you guys did not see them all laughing and her playing with Anangfio.


    • @alewa, Listen nobody is hating on Leila….i’m just saying what is supposed to be said…& how does that make us villagers lmao & this was an interview not a joke .

      • @Adjoa nbaaso),

        Leila said it on peacefm that the awards committee invited the movie. the lady is dealing with UN, BBC and other international big wigs, why should she be hustling award with any local movie? lol lol what is she struggling to gain out of it? She has hollywood behind her, get over it haterz! she no dey rush anything plus you guyz. 

        this is the maiden award damn it. its not even a competition. she is wise in saying its supposed to be fun, not abot winning but having fun. after all, look at the basaa award where they have said no one will win more than one. is that a competition or a present giving party?

        upmost Leila. catch you on facebook.

        • Well no one even cares if her movie is aired on CNN every morning.What we are talking about is her response on here and not all those credit you claim she has.

  4. Ehh this Leila chic too , she dey feel ebody papa.See the way she is acting, you dont care yet you struggling to make your movies the best.Then why are you wasting your time if you dont care?Kobi Rana’s answers were full of laughter…

  5. Please give leila a break ok. I was standing close to them. she was with her manager and David Dontoh and the Golden Tulip manager. She was joking with the interviewer before, after and during the interview. the interview guy was even telling her he was going to post it on the website so she should be serious. we around were laughing at them. she was not drunk, she was really having fun and laughing with her friends all night.

    why do you all hate her si much? Ghanaians don’t like young newcomers who know what they are saying.
    alewa, leave dem alone ok. ignorance is worrying them.

    Jackie looks fab. John was so drunk that night.
    good luck to all the nominess

    • Ok, so you are now telling us what exactly happened.And why would you think anybody is hating on her? Our comments on here are called criticism and it was actually based on what we saw in the video since some of us weren’t standing close to them.

      • @Adjoa nbaaso),

        gerrout der! who made a dumbass like you a critique. you are jealousing not criticizing. what did she say that warrants all those insult you guys are metting out on her? 

        because she says its not about winning or because she is playing with a friend of hers who is holding a camera to her face?
        you people on GC are nothing but ugly peple

        you make this ebsite trash

        • Kurasini boy.Am sure she gave you the remaining of that drink she had so you cant stand it when ppl. talk about her.Fool, look at you who could be more dumbass than you, using all this childish facebook.Oh papa jwen kakra wai..You know, am not sure whether to comment or not cuz all we know you might be an animal aspiring to be human so you still have a hard time migling with humans.And did you say jealous, omg! maybe I would have agreed if you made mention of dem fine and healthy thick gals like jackie/Nadia etc… Jealous of her scary wigs or chop stick body?Or her uinknown age, as to whether she is a girl/woman..Wo y3 mobo papa!!Fool, next time think before you write.And talking about ppl. being ugly so u think you r fine eh, poor you perhaps your mirror is black or you live with your fellow chimpanzees so they cant stop lieing to you.And you know what, there is no word like ebsite, so you might wanna take some chill pill and act like a papa, If you still cant do all these then you dont belong here, you better check out some disney websites.

  6. Well no one even cares if her movie is aired on CNN every morning.What we are talking about is her response on here and not all those credit you claim she has.  

    and what is wrong with er response adjoa? she is a blunt lady who tells it as it is. no sugar coating. she says she is not about winning. her movies topped the nominations and would have cleaned the awards if best actor, make-up, lighting, visual effects, sound and music were nominated but for her hollywood crew and cast. you go carry go hospital with ya jealousy o. she has said nothing wrong. what seriois interview holds on a camera phone? twiaaa. I am obssessed with dis great woman director, you try her I will come after you.

    • @alewa, I’m actually one of Leila’s biggest fans and will support her in almost everything. But i will not support or defend her when she is wrong and out of line. I defended Leila on this same site when the story of her, the PA and senanu came up. So there is no jealousy here hun. I’m rather happy for her on all her accomplishments and her future sucesses to come. Just bcos you like her a lot doesn’t mean you should defend her on anything. I can tell you are one of those ppl who support their family in anything even when they are totally wrong. That kind of love kills the soul cuz they never learns and can end them in many uncomfortable situations. Sometimes you must let go of love and speak the truth(TOUGH LOVE). Base on what I saw on this video, Leila was kinda rude and pointing it out doesn’t make me jealous, a hater or like her any less. Whatever went down before and after the video is not my business. Pull yourself together and call a spade a spade. Even Jesus himself was criticize many times. ghanafo nono oo, everything jealous jealous jealous ad3n?lol. can’t we put favoritism aside and speak the truth sometimes?

      • Nana yaa, Very very well said, tell that dude for me.Looks like He doesn’t even understand the word jealousy and keeps using it anyhow.How are we even suppose to know what was happening at that background?Well, am sure that guy got issues and thats what it is.

  7. @cici, it is you who last long haterz!! let your life be and unfruitful in Jesus name Amen! you guys are so evil.   (Quote)

    Alewa u r de 1 dat aint gonna b fruitful..stupid fool like u..face de fact u idiot

  8. what is your definition of rude? did she snub the interviewer? what is wrong if someone says they don’t care? does that make them rude?

    u peope make too much drama.

  9. you talkin bout Jackie wigs? have you ever seen leila in a wig? or is it the ugly stupmy body of jackie you want her to have? gerrout of der you haterz. you are not even ashamed of yourself, ashawo bibio. you claim to be a woman a write this kind of trash. i tnkin you work at cantoments and circle at night. shut your stinkin mouth and go acheieve something for your country like people likes leila are doing. 

    foolish idiot. what have you done for your country apart from spread your legs

    Kurasini boy.Am sure she gave you the remaining of thatdrink she hadso you cant stand it when ppl. talk about her.Fool, look at you who could be more dumbass than you, using all this childish facebook.Oh papa jwen kakra wai..You know, am not sure whether to comment or not cuz all we know you might be an animal aspiring to be human so youstill have a hard time migling with humans.And did you say jealous, omg!maybe I would have agreed if you made mention of dem fine and healthy thick gals like jackie/Nadia etc… Jealous of her scary wigs or chop stick body?Or her uinknown age, as to whether she is a girl/woman..Wo y3 mobo papa!!Fool, next time think before you write.And talking about ppl. being ugly so u think your fine eh, poor you perhaps your mirror is black or you live with your fellow chimpanzees so they cant stop lieing to you.And you know what, there is no word like ebsite, so you might wanna take some chill pill and act like a papa, If you still cant do all these then you dont belong here, you bettercheck out some disney websites.  


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