
Motivational Message Of The Week: Achieving “Ultimate Success” In Life


It is very fulfilling and satisfactory to achieve success in whatever project we undertake in life. The feeling is even more awesome if you have once failed and have then had the guts to rise out of failure to achieve the success you have always wanted.

The ultimate wonderment of success is never seen in the accomplished output but resides deep in our hearts. Achieving success to some of us is to portray to others how thriving we are when it comes to whatever project we are working on but success goes beyond being seen as an accomplisher among your peers or certain group of persons.

Our want for success and greatness always leads us into chasing projects which we envisage as rewarding, thereby neglecting the imperative elements of our livelihood “Love, Belief & Passion”.

Success would have a more meaningful structure if it is not the sole reason why we embark on projects. Achieving success with any work done is satisfying, but it becomes “ultimate” when it naturally comes out of us doing what we love and believe in.

Many of us are successful with our jobs, holding the ultimate positions within our fields. This sounds like an absolute success and accomplishment, yet these achievements do not hold within our own hearts. Our hearts still feel empty since we have not achieved the ultimate success we desire.

Our inability to obtain the ultimate success we yearn despite our accomplishments is entrenched in our lack of passion, love and belief in what we are  Continue Reading From Here


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7 thoughts on “Motivational Message Of The Week: Achieving “Ultimate Success” In Life”

  1. The above is what George Burns acknowledged in his words “I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate”….I really like this quote. I definitely agree! I know of friends and family who have had jobs that pay very well but because it is not their passion they cannot even appreciate the money after a while…you end up clock watch. Come 5 o clock you are sprinting out that door! As oppose to a job you love when you dont even know time has gone and you even get in early. I used to have a job like that so I know what you mean in this article…keep up the good work. I’ll thank you in my award speech Chris when I become someone major lol 😉

    • @Brown Suga,

      Suga, I would be proud to hear your award Speech with my name mentioned in there………  Surely you can make it… Life is very easy than we think  of it.. But the ease of life can only be realized by first realizing ourselves….

  2. Good write up Chris. Been there, done it. I got extremely successful at a 9-5 job abroad (am talking 80K+ when all the benefits and the rest are added up and I was still under 30 at this time). I was very good at what I do but I hated what I did and what it was turning me into. Respected and adored by colleagues and management and yet…
    one day out of the blue, I just gave it up to pursue me ’cause I was dying slowly day-by-day as I had no passion whatsoever for what I did. You see, in my mind, I internalized my day job as a ‘stepping stone’ to get to where I need to be ’cause I’ve ‘measured and understood’ my needs in life at an earlier age and working towards it. So sitting at work and watching the clock and can’t wait to leave there was killing me. That’s when I realize money is not the be or and end all but happiness/good life/love is all one needs. I sound like a Guru from India I know. lol

    “George Burns acknowledged in his words “I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate”….”. Thanks for this Brown Sugar. I really like this quote too as it resonates nothing but pure truth in it.

    PS: Dude, I honestly think you should focus on this ‘Life Coach/Motivational Speaker’ thingy that you’re bringing to the table than this celebrity gossip nonsense. Life Coaching is a huge global business now thanks to the new age movement. I think you might be wasting your talents, in my opinion. This is what our nations young needs to read and be encouraged and not our sad attempt at westernizing ourselves. But then, that’s just me.

    • @That Guy,

      That Guy, thanks for your kind words and sense of direction… I am gradually building up ,  a life teaching blog,designed to motivate,guide and equip mankind with all the tools needed to grab that which belongs to us. I stongly believe success is a right, not a privilege….. and so we all have the right to it…

      Surely we need more of such write up and things.. But the unanswered question is, is our generation ready to look beyond the ordinary to find the true meaning of happiness, success and living a fulfilling life? 

  3. Amazing message from you-Chris-Vincent. I love reading from you and you really bring a lot to the table. I will check out your personal blog site and hope to be reading more of such messages from you.

    It is always good to do what you love and that is what life is all about. Making money from something you love doing is great, no matter how small the money is, it brings you to the ultimate success you long for.


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