2010 Showbiz Honouree, Nadia S.Buari has officially opened an account with the First Capital Plus, a banking institution located at Tesano.
She arrived at the bank with her black LEXUS that has her initials (NSB 2, 10) as the number plate, she was escorted by Khadijah Buari, (her mum/manager), Stacy Amoateng (Organiser of the Showbiz Honours) and Gloria Osei-Sarfo (an actress who also works with Emklan Events as Marketing executive).
Check the pictures below.

Wow Nadia Buari YOU GO GIRL…..I am really proud of you. Congrats to the bank on securing her trust for the foundation.
Wow, you and Mrs. Buari could be twins, cool
i admire you a lot stay blessed.
Well done. All I ask for is that the money goes to people who actually (need) the services.
ma gril is doing big things. I love u nadia keep doing the good things. may u love long.
i mean live long my dear
aaaaaaawwwwwwwww NADIIIIII…u r a blessing…and cute dress…TRUE CELEB STATUS….
good job
Nadia,,,,,u indeed a blessin nd u’re already der…..u da best…
i think the fair old lady next to nadia is nadia’s mum rite?
@danai, yes Danai she is in the jeans trousers.
@danai, yes thats her mum
Nadia has done it again, bigups to you girl. you are blessed!
Yes, niece, go on doing what the spirit tells you to do. Do not mind anybody. I know you did not join this profession because of money. After all what don’t you have? Mummie, Daddie and lovely sisters. I know you want to give to the needy, that is what you are in this profession, so go on and give and the Lord Almighty will always add more to you. God Bless you.
Yes, niece, go on doing what the spirit tells you to do. Do not mind anybody. I know you did not join this profession because of money. After all what don’t you have? Mummie, Daddie and lovely sisters. I know you want to give to the needy, that is why you are in this profession, so go on and give and the Lord Almighty will always add more to you. God Bless you.
good for her, if your popular, you get tons of deals.
that dress is atrocious though.
Did I miss it? What is the focus of the Foundation?
God bless u dear
God bless you Nadia,keep the good work up.I love you so much,you are my role model!
Mr Ebenezer..or anyone..what foundation does this fund benefit? The article was not clear if its her own or an already established one, etither way I commend Nadia Buari.
I know this is off track but, how much do actresses command salary wise from local language actresses to television actresses to big time actresses like Nadia Buari….do they make more than the men? Are they paid per movie or by the hour? I keep hear “upfront” pay, does this mean there are those who are paid 2 years later after release of a film?
nadia, big ups b u. gah bless u.
i thought that nadia buari’s mum is white, lebanese? she dont look white to me.
@stacey, so what if she is not what difference does that make ? go to peace fm galleries and look at her EMKLAN AWARDS PICTURES SHE IS TRUELY IS..
Stacy forced her to do it, bcos of wat they said during the showbiz, nadia and stacy don’t eat the money oooooo, why don’t u give them your personal money instead of raising funds from people
@anthony u r so stupid is tht wht u can say for somebody like tht raisin funds to help needy u r too stupid, this beautiful actress nadia has been helpin needy with her own money b4 any actress in ghana start doing now. go check! looks like she had set a good example and instead of u to commend her u r accusin her, shame on u . nadia well done u still ve ppl’s prayer behind u
@collins u right bro….nadia deserves our support,prayer nd our blessings..she is da 1 for hollywood..
@ Alicia…well we back here again i guess??…..i can make u love her u knw??
you are wrong,anthony, the account was part of her prizes for showbiz honours. First Capital Plus ,the bank, are the ppl setting ihe account for her as seed money for her foundation. We at emklan ensure to deliver all prizes for all our events. thanks. EMKLAN
@emklan, oh okay so its her foundation…thanks for the heads up.
wow nadia must be the richest actress in ghana , saw her latest lexus initial nsb 2-10 is heavy i mean heavy no actress in ghana has a car like tht . somebody said she sat in the car and she cudnt believe her eyes is all brand new and hefthy too, and i heard she has latest bm 5series 2010 with the same initials wow , and what i love about her is she doesnt even brag like others , u r bless sis nadia and God ll multiply everything u ve keep helpin the needy. u r the one and the only true star , hands down no 2 ways
@maybel yh a true star der………
wow nadia must be the richest actress in ghana , saw her latest lexus initial nsb 2-10 is heavy i mean heavy no actress in ghana has a car like tht . the car is 2010 and is only one oe two ppl has it in ghana including her .somebody said she sat in the car and she cudnt believe her eyes is all brand new and hefthy too, and i heard she has latest bm 5series 2010 with the same initials wow , and what i love about this gorgeous and sexy actress is she doesnt even brag like others , u r bless sis nadia and God ll multiply everything u ve keep helpin the needy. u r the one and the only true star , hands down no 2 ways
@maybel,shut the fuck up.u sound like u were sent on here by her to come brag lmao.shut up.
@ladygaga, what is the sense in this
move on girl the sky is your starting point.
Well i think all you people don’t get it, nadia is not giving anything to no one she is just banking her money with the bank above, there is nothing exstraordinary.
@lola, who dont get it ? its a foundation to help the needy wise up.
@lola, look who is talking
We’ve seen who’s talking
.u go guul. gud work. and god bless u.#