
New Movie: The Game


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32 thoughts on “New Movie: The Game”

  1. okay something about this reminds me so much of “heart of men” mixed with other ghanaian movies ive seen in the last 6 months.
    can they seriously come up with anything new?
    not even looking forward to it.

  2. eijjjj…did i see someone being fingured….kaiiiii…im eating pls…but i gotta rewind this….this is all bullshit…im gonna start writting movies and producing them….

  3. am writing and producing soon, i will take Ghana movie by surprise, but want majic in my movie with other new faces, my last equipment bought soon and cant wait to enter the movie industries not for money but for good ,mouth watering, and very intense jaw dropping stories both English and other languages. stay tune

  4. these directors r apparently out of stories..its de same story line in most of de movies..same stupid nasty scenes n same old ugly actors..Yvonne Nelson really disgusts me..i can stand her out all..shes just annoyin n cant act..dats ma opinion,,

  5. one thing that surprises me most is that the Author of this movie is studying law inorder to become a great person in life and he is writing movies for ivon nelson to act as a porn star.That lady really disgust me she is from a discipline home though but as for Majid,i feel sorry for the wife.pls Ivon go educate urself just like the author of this movie and stop all this porn movies why can’t u be like Jackie,she boldly said i will never expose my body cos i am from a well cultured home.and u ivon,u shld not even do these cos of the role ur mum plays in church.Think and be wise don’t let pple point finger at u.

    • @elena babe, sorry but jackie already exposed her self couple of time in movies…watched the perfect picture? and another stupid called hearts of men movie starring yours truely Mastupidjeed!!Jackie is no better than any of them..if i will stand anybody out it will be Nadia Buari, yes she is full of her self but she never exposes herself to any sex scene!!!! TOOOOOOOO SHAMEFULL

  6. Infact the desire to be famous and rich @ all cost is pushing people to do certain things they would have personally not done in the real world. The most surprising of all these people is Yvonne Nelson who takes up certain roles I personally believe its not her real character. But then it does not really speak well of her in the eyes of the same public she’s trying to please. Not forgetting Majid an Mfantsipim old boy and married too. How do their immediate family feel after showing them copies of thier movies? Do they after performing these roles assigned to them by thier directors go to church to pay tithe on thier incomes to ask God 4 more blessings? The love for money is the root of all evil. What a society Ghana is building in the name of democracy.

    • @JOSEPH TAGOE, That is the unfortunate thing. Some people want to be rich and famous at (all cost)..maybe through the movie industry or another means. It sometimes ends up being life threathning .

  7. I have watched a few African movies some did appeal to me but I must admit most were real garbage and they seem to be getting worse. I just viewed a clip of a movie called the game. It seems that they are really, really, really bad imitation of American movies. That is so wrong and sad at the same time and on so many different levels. I would love to meet the semi-intelligent people who write and produce these pieces of CRAP.  These movies are really CRAPPY AND just plain awful. I have to ask, DO INTELLIGENT PEOPLE REALLY WATCH THESE INCOMPREHENSIBLE SHOWS.


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