Ladies, imagine the man you love, whom you are legally married to and with a child to show for it, tells you that the day you agreed to marry him was the day you went wrong. To make it worst, you caught this same husband cheating on you, not only cheating but cheating with a person of the same sex? G-A-Y as in gay? Yes man to man. Well wait a minute, they call those men bisexual.
Yvonne Okoro, the beautiful Ghanaian actress who people often mistake as Jackie Appiah’s twin sister played Ruby in the romantic, drama and comedy movie ‘4Play’. She played the wife of the bisexual man, who upon finding his husband in the hotel room cheating with his fellow man went into a state of shock.
“4PLAY” is a romantic comedy filled with love, lies, deceit and betrayal created around four best friends. It tells a story of four industrious young ladies and best friends who happen to be caught up with the wrong men in a deceptive web of love. Hence the Good (Jezel and Rex) played by Jacky Appiah and John Dumelo; the Bad (Ruby and Jayke) played by Yvonne Okoro and Omar Sherif; the Ugly (Angie & Alvin) played by Roseline and Majid Michel and finally the Dirty, played by Juliet Ibrahim as Nivera.
Like what any other woman will do, Yvonne begins to look out for reasons why her husband will prefer a man’s backside to a woman’s adorable pus**y. Yvonne was traumatized such that she turned to her friends to share the secret of her husband banging another man and look for encouragement when in actual fact; her friends are no saints and have skeletons in their cupboards.
Yvonne’s role was emotional. She played the role so competently. GhanaCeleberities.Com thinks whoever casted her for that role has done a great job. She brought life to the character. She cried when necessary, and shouted when appropriate. If every movie will come with right castings, we might see tremendous change in the Ghanaian movies.
Yvonne Okoro started acting in 2002 with role in ‘Sticking to the Promise’. Also made a cameo appearance in ‘Tentacles’, a hit mini series produced by the Theo Akatugba for Point Blank Media Concepts. She was then casted to play Jackie Appiah’s resemblances in ‘Beyonce’.
Aside ‘4Play’, Yvonne can boast with the following movies ‘The Return Of Beyonce’, ‘The Return Of Beyonce 2’, ‘Beyonce 2: The President’s Daughter’, ‘Beyonce: The President’s Daughter’, , ‘Desperate To Survive’, ‘The Game’, ‘Agony Of Christ’, ‘Royal Battle’, ‘Queen Of Dreams’, ‘Le Hotelier’ in France and a whole lot more.
Some movie lovers GhanaCelebrities.com spoke to after the premieres were full of praises to the young actress. These are some of the comments… “Wow! I like the movie because of Yvonne Okoro, I never knew she is a real talent, I will look out more for her movies”. “She is so charming, incredible and adorable”. “I think the Ruby role; best fitted her, now we have another talent”. “As emotional as I am, I nearly cried upon seeing Yvonne going through all that with her husband, I think this movie is full of lessons”.
The premiere was well attended, I call it ‘mad rush for 4Play’. I don’t know if it has to do with the fact that Venus Films is the leading production house of Ghanaian movies or whether people came there just to catch a glimpse of‘soft’ porn as the trailer says. But the truth of the matter was that the place was packed to capacity.
I am not good at rating movies; I think this is a good effort from Venus Films. However, my only problem with the movie is the bad language used throughout. I don’t recommend the movie to minors.
Before I forget, the various explicit sex scenes in the trailer were all taken out. Thanks for your supportive “bashing” and constructive criticisms.
Watch 4play Trailer Below

Story by Ebenezer Anangfio Jnr./GhanaCelebrities.com/Ghana
Yvonne Okoro is good, just by seeing the trailer alone. she should get more shine and the other ones that cant act and are living off of their looks (you know who they are) can take some notes and find their place.
Yvonne Okoro, thats wassup.
good for yvonne…she’s a good actress…and i’m glad she is back in da movie scene………
Article too long winded….LOL. What’s up BB?
Havent I read a similar article here b4???…u guys must be really desperate 4 some stories now…it’s like you’re just regurgitating da same stuff n putting a new twist on it 2 make it seem new…come on GC…step your game up
@Soul sista,
Soul Sista, spare GC your crap and hating, where did you read this from? This is just about a movie premiere that happened on friday, so where and when did you read it from? Provide a link? Why are you people always hating? Gosh Ghanaians!…
This shows you are dumb or cant read or cant understand when you read or you are just a hater. This is about Yvonne Okoro shinning or doing good in 4play which was premiered on friday and GC went there to watch and evaluate the movie, now early morning a hating bitch and queen come here to write her crap, I wish people like you are not Ghanaians or do not even come here.
@Grace Dufie, I am so sick and tired of dumbass motherfuckers like yourself who can’t read and have nothing better 2 do with their lives than try and start some online beef ting…I’m not a hater…why would I be on this site if I hate it?????…speaking of someone who can’t read bitch your dumb ass must be talking about your damn self…I AM talking about the article and how it’similar to others I’ve read here before…iSO U NEED 2 FALL BACK AND SHUT DA FUCK UP U GROWN-ASS WHORE WHO AIN’T GOT A JOB 2 DO AND INSTEAD SIT BEHIND YOUR PC SCREEN 2 START SOME UNNECESSARY BEEF TING…u picked da wrong person 2 start shit with bitch…how about reading something properly before you ran your mouth and start spewing garbage…fucking dutty piece of crap…why don’t you go cook or clean for your husband or something instead of sitting here tryna start some unnecessary beef ting…KMT…next time read shit properly before u start 2 get on a hype with me yeah KMT…dumb cow!
i really like her and my only one Jacky
Yvonne did the best in 4play, she put her self in the situation n did exactly wat she would do if it has happened to in real life. dear u were great,looking forward to see more of those in ur movies
d article is shameless,its so calling for attention,saying i am yvonne okoro writing please help make me popular on your site.bull crap.
soulsista its true,the same article and words except for the movie premiere part is on this same site.copied article.proves u hv been paid by yvonne to promote her ugly ass self.bullshit.get better facts.cus all the actors did well.she was the least noticed.
@mimi, thanx baby gal…u feel wot am sayin?…regular GC readers surely must clock its kinda similar 2 other articles…fucking dumb ass trifling whores like a cow called Grace Dufie tryna start shit…kmt…don’t watch tho sweetie…i know my co-ds like u, Shocker and Cutie always notice things lol
yvonne did pretty well in 4play but i think rosilyn stole the show from all the so called big stars in 4play.she was so hilarious.gr8 movie from venusfilms so far.
@ahmed, tell the hypocrites for me.thanks a million.
@ahmed, yeah that heavy girl Roslyn is good, am gonna give Venus Prod. another chance becos i swore to myself i wasnt going to buy any Ghana movies after ‘heart of men’ but the trailer looks funny ,so will see.
Cant wait to watch it. Okoro is very beautiful. Promoting her ( if dats wat they r doing) wont be bad. Girl u r watsup. Venus films i must confess is doing gr8 apart from da soft porn. We need GOOD movies ppl!
I’ve seen the first part of the movie and for the first time I found Venus Film movie interesting and I’m actually waiting for the second part. Yvone was brilliant in this movie, the best I’ve seen her yet. It was really sad to hear her husband tell her “marrying me was a mistake…” Her emotions was real and she really made believeable. Majid and John are always great and Jackie looked so radiant.
BTW: Yvone Okoro is also Nigerian, her father is Nigerian and mother is Ghanaian so please acknowledge that. Thanks,
yeah because i was thinking “Isn’t Okoro an Igbo last name” lol
thanks for clearing that up.
@Alicia A., you are welcome…………..Alicia…………..!!!!!!!!!
The girl is humble and good in acting, she needs the support and the promotion and soon she will be the best in Africa. She is not arrogant like the likes of Yvonne Nelson, Juliet Ibrahim and co. I watched 4play too and all my friends said, this girl is powerful, she understands and knows what acting is about.
GC, dont mind what the haters will say, throw all the weight behind her and get here there. There is a saying that, when someone does something good, you support her.
Wow! Sounds like I gotta get this movie quick!
me 3..lol
I have only seen the trailer but from that I know that this is a good movie. I cannot wait to see the entire film. Yvonne is an incredibly good actress, unlike most others that I have seen. All the best Yvonne, wish you well.
Yvonne is ok.She’s not too good neither is she too bad jst average.Maybe she has 2 take more lead roles or better scripts 2 show her acting prowress. I think she shd jst exit the Venus camp and go 2 either Sparrow or Nigeria and stop acting in mediocre and porn styled movies 4rm venus jst like dis one which was full of vulgar language and explicit scenes. Dis movie is jst a cheap copied version of a hollywood movie.It had nothing gud 2 offer.
such a turn around, ghana celebrities. i thought this was supposed to be a new porn movie, now u r praising the movie, even going to the extent of describing it as the best movie to come out of the stables of Venus Films. I expect that a serious site of ur calibre should at least watch the movie before upwelling so much fury against the producers. Shame on u.
U did great in this movie. Go Ivonne!
w@ is al this hatred brewing up in the hearts of some strange silly assholes who rep dis site…u always enjoy stuffs bt still condemn de works of this site…if you are fed up with wat is given to you on this site then you better create your own motherf**ker sites,…i gues y’all know yourselves.
she didnt do any good in this movie…all she did is cry cry and cry…she’s good at crying thats why they give her that part definitely….i personally think she was raped in the past so wenever she is to cry, she triggers that memory…so sad 🙁
ipone4g.this is to you i like yvonne not because of her acting but i met her once and the way she received me was beyond words.i have met three actresses n trust they thought they were above evry1.but remark to many who have been raped and molested by useless people is the worst a human being can make.i do hope peopl like you thrive on the failures and bad predicaments of others.i wish that you grow up and God has mercy on your soul.my aunt was raped and she has never recovered form it.if she good in a part then she deserves to playyyyyy all the time cos every part is different from the 1 shes playd whether crying or not.shes good.its peopl like who dont deserve another day and chance to insult peopl in distress.
Despite her beauty and eloquence,Yvonne is a very good actress.I love the role she played in 4play..Keep it up Yvonne.Your future is very bright.
I second that, Ivy.
Damn dis woman dey be papaapa!! I see myself with this type of lady living together.I like her even if she is a bad actress as “sum ppl r proclaming.”
I love yvonne 2
u guys dnt u think yvonne okoro and john will make a gud couple?
I discovered this after watching the game. That movie was soo cool I loved the way john and yvonne acted,If u have not watched that movie yet I think u should try to watch it