The AMAA flavour is not over yet. This is Lydia Forson enjoying (some kind of) siesta with her AMAA award. Oh, home-girl wept like a baby at the event when she was receiving the award. That was probably ‘weeps of joy’. She won the ‘Best Actress in a Leading Role’ together with Jackie, and Naa Ashokor. Picture hooked up from her fb page.
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I there any thing like ”weeps of joy?” thought the phrase was ”tears of joy”
@konogo kaya, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL…ka na ka biom
There was no need for the columnist to change “weeps of joy” to “tears of joy”. It is perfectly valid. Such ironical imagery even though poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended are the true gems that spice up the English language.
why are you posting this now?after you showered all the glory on jacie denying LYDIA AND NAA you turn around to write this?try to appreciate all our stars and not be hypocrites,afterall they are very good in every way. and to me i will choose LYDIA OVER JACKIE anyday because of her extraodinary SKILLS.
You are right dan
Extra ordinarily skills? Can u please brief us on that. Let us face it, Lydia is just a newbie in the industry and is not in the league with Jackie. Let us give respect to whom it is due. Lydia in not even a star yet and only featured in 3 or less movies.
lovistic listen to yourself ,if a new babe as you call Lydia can win the same award with your star jackie then i am afraid Lydia stands out. if you care to know that is my candid opinion you can also stick to yours.A STAR INDEED.
@dan, chale u r right…i wish ppl can look pass the “newbe” thing and get real…i find that to be a sign of intimidation…just because someone has been in the industry longer doesn’t make them the better than someone else…jackie came in the industry before yvonne nelson…but yvonne kicked ass in the movie “princess tyra” as if she was some veteran…dats my own too
lydia is such a sweet gal. keep up the good work that uve started. remember the sky is the limit.
well the flavour should be over…..strive for more awards, we all know youve won that one by now~~this is OLD NEWS.
she did not ask this sight to post this after they showered all the praise on jackie.i dont think Lydia needs it. kt galloway
Lydia I don’t like her kraaaaaaaaaaa, she has soooo much jealousy