
Another One? Atheist Blogger Hacked To Death In Bangladesh | This Is The Second Incident In One Month


When religious extremism gets the best of people, and other people have to die just because of the opinions they profess.

One thing I don’t get is that these religions are supposed to get the best out of man. It’s supposed to curb our excesses, keep us honest; yet all we get is the worst of people. Committing atrocities in the name of their religions and not realising the irony of actions that do not represent what their religion is supposed to stand for.

Maybe it’s because the major religions all contain stories of excessive wickedness on the part of God, and thus people do not really see the problem with following suit, especially if they feel they are defending their faith.

Whatever the reason, this bigotry and hate religion fuels that can lead to such actions is so unfortunate; and has no place in this modern world.

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