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Four Foolproof Tips To Make You Feel Secure In Your Own Body

(c) aerie/Instagram

In this day and age of hyper commercialization and social media illuminating everything, it’s easy to feel inadequate when you look at what’s going on in the world.
Everyone else looks like a super model, decked out in the latest and fanciest dresses and accessories, taking photos and splashing them on social media looking like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
In that environment, it’s understandable that many people tend to feel inadequate, feeling unable to match up to the almost impossible standards set by society. It becomes easy to look down on yourself and feel you aren’t able to keep up.
Ladies, who by nature are more introspective, tend to suffer a lot from this, but so do many guys. It’s easy to fall into a vicious circle of believing you’re not good enough because you can’t measure up and start to look down on yourself as a result.
But the fact of the matter is that the real world is more nuanced than that. Whatever problems you believe you’re dealing with, most other people are dealing with something similar, irrespective of what they put out there publicly.
It’s a short road from looking down on your body to depression and many other mental health disorders. That will be a shame when you can deal with it with just a few adjustments to your physical and mental state.
Below, we list four things you can easily do to boost your self image.
1 Don’t compare!
There is nothing wrong with setting goals and using other people as examples to aspire to, but that has become more difficult to realistically do so in this day and age. Thus it’s borderline dangerous to look at what you see on social media or in ads to set up your example of what your body should look like.
Your body should be yours and yours alone. Living up to some arbitrary societal ideal is borderline impossible, especially considering anything you see in the public domain is probably just about 20% realistic anyway.
2 Appearance is key
Body confidence is not simply about how you feel inwardly but outwardly as well. Since feeling confident in how you look outwardly would inevitably filter inwards, it’s crucial to make every outing a success.
Nothing complicated is needed, simply the right choices. Simple yet classy attire, comfortable Knix underwear, the right footwear: everytime you step out you should feel like a million bucks and eventually, you would feel like a million bucks all the time.
3 Stay in shape
It might seem like a lot of work but nothing beats exercising to keep yourself feeling positive.
Scientifically, working out flushes the body with numerous feel good hormones, which leaves you feeling on top of the world.
You don’t need a world class routine, just something to fit your own desires. A daily workout routine not only keeps the body in shape but it leaves you feeling refreshed and if there are any particular body anxieties related to weight it takes care of it — what’s not to love?
4 Avoid ‘negative Nancys’
In our lives, there’s always that one person whose field of negative energy is as strong as the sun’s gravitational pull, sending everything around them into a spiral. Whether it’s a relative or a particularly obnoxious friend, your best bet for peace and quiet is to stay away from them
It’s not that constructive criticism is not needed, it is; but ‘Negative Nancys’ are a whole other breed. They pick on the most minute of details, constantly criticizing everything around and bringing you down with them.
For the required peace of mind and to get into the proper mindset to have complete confidence in yourself, the last thing you need is a little voice second guessing yourself every step of the way.
The path to complete body confidence is not as tortuous as it may seem. It’s completely attainable and as shown above, doesn’t really take much but a few tweaks to your daily routine and a massive improvement in your self confidence.

This post was published on June 21, 2018 10:24 AM

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