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Ghanaian Prophet Claims He Prophesied Death For Kaakyire Kwame Appiah And Ebony But Only Kaakyire Came To See Him For Direction

One death, every pastor claims he was it. It’s very Ebony-like that even in death, she’s the only thing everyone’s talking about.
Already three ‘prophecies’ surrounding her death has been dug up and now another pastor has revealed he also saw it coming.
Nigel Gaisie is the leader of the True Word Prophetic Fire Ministries and according to him, he foresaw the death of Ebony.
Writing on facebook, he said that he gave a prophesy that both Ebony and Kaakyire Kwame Appiah would die before February ends and whilst the latter came to see him for direction, the former never did so.

READ ALSO: Countryman Songo Cries Like A Baby On Radio Following Death Of Ebony (AUDIO)

He wrote…
“I was led to give this prophecy on LIVE RADIO thus Ebony and Kaakyrie Kwame Appiah will die before the end of February 2018….Kwame Appiah came to see me and we prayed against it!sad EBONY IS GONE JUST AS I SAID IT ON 24Noverber2017!!!!Take PROPHECY SERIOUS…..”

This post was published on February 9, 2018 8:12 PM