EOCO Grabs Ibrahim Mahama For Issuing Fake Checks

The Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) have reportedly picked up for interrogation Ibrahim Mahama, brother of former President John Dramani Mahama.

Mahama is reportedly being held by the anti graft office to answer questions of alleged fraud.

Assin Central MP Kennedy Agyepong has in recent times been harping on and on about alleged fraud committed by Ibrahim during his brother’s time in charge, particularly claiming he issued some dud cheques to the Ghana Revenue Authority to clear some equipment he imported at the Tema Port. Agyepong claimed the issuance of dud cheques occurred on more than one occasion.

Ibrahim is thus being questioned on the incidents, according to Starrfmonline.com.

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Agyepong has alleged that Ibrahim defrauded Ghana to the tune of Ghc 14m during the administration of John Mahama. He has also promised to commit suicide if Ibrahim isn’t jailed within the tenure of the NPP administration.

This post was published on April 18, 2017 5:42 PM

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