Founding Editor of GhanaCelebrities.Com-Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri and comedian/musician/social commentator, A-Plus are good friends–but their sort of friendship has space for public disagreements.
Following the unfortunate incident of the NPP ‘vigilante’ group Delta Forces–having stormed a courtroom to threaten a judge and free its members who were refused bail, A-Plus wrote a piece on facebook, which Chris-Vincent has totally disagreed with in an interesting rebuttal.
A-Plus wrote:
“In 2009 4 NPP supporters were killed by an NDC vigilante group at agbobloshi. For the 8 years that they were in power not a single person was arrested. I repeat. Not one!!! I’ve not heard any top NDC person condemn it or call for justice. Today you are complaining about Delta Force. Have they killed anyone….? NPP people are not human being abi? Let those who condemned those killings condemn this one. Shut your stinking mouth you hypocrite. You think we are fools in this country. #Gbemi”
And Chris-Vincent responded with this:
“Kwame A APlus, you are like a brother—we agree on a lot of things and equally disagree on many, that’s the strength of our friendship, also the hallmark of liberalism.
We seem to share in a common political ideology and want the best for ordinary Ghanaians.
If anyone will tell you the truth, it should be me—after all, we even used to share “Mmaa numbers via our cunning back pass scheme” until we both decided to settle.
With all contempt intended, I say, this is the most insane and ridiculous justification of the repugnant actions of the so-called Delta Forces I have read so far, and sadly, it’s coming from an intelligent friend.
Look, enough of the nonsense that NDC did this, and so the NPP can do almost the same or slightly below that—and no one should berate them when they do so.
As reasonable as you are, I do not think you want beautiful Ama Plus to grow up in a country where a bunch of semi-psychopathic hooligans, clothed in a political party colour can walk into a courtroom to free arrested persons, even if their arrest is deemed inappropriate by their own estimation—whether NPP or NDC.
I saw you condemn the Montie 3 unequivocally and their crime was that they sat on radio to threatened justices—today, Delta Force members walked into a courtroom and threatened a judge in her face as well as freed their members who have been refused a court bail and you are justifying this…
Ghanaians voted for Nana Addo and the NPP because they held an unfettered detest for what the John Mahama and the NDC were doing. I, therefore, find it preposterous that today, your measure of ugliness, is that the NDC stole 8, so if we steal 6, it should not be a problem.
These sort of twisted logic, as a result of what seems like blind party loyalty is just not offensively pathetic, it’s also unpatriotic and makes Ghana a dangerous place for us all, especially those of you with children within that jurisdiction.
Last night, I saw you condemning the actions of the Delta Force members and suddenly, you are somewhat justifying what they did, on the back of warped PATHOS, a fraudulent mode of persuasion.
If Nana Addo and the NPP will succeed, and I mean to succeed in the estimation of right-thinking Ghanaians (not just blind party loyalists), people like you must be ready to ensure that the rule of law is strictly adhered to devoid of such absurd comparison.
The Delta Force members have not killed anyone yet, so we should wait for them to start killing Ghanaians before pointing out their illegitimate actions or be brought to book?”
This has created an interesting back and forth conversation on Facebook–which you can check out.
This post was published on April 8, 2017 8:28 AM
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