T.B Joshua Hits Back At Critics Of His Failed US Election Prophecy – "We Are Not On The Same Level"

T.B. Joshua

If the world was a rational place where people actually used their brains, T. B Joshua’s church would have been a graveyard on Sunday as his entire congregation abandoned him for being a bald faced liar.
If T.B Joshua was a man, he would own up to his mistake and seek the forgiveness of everyone, especially members of his congregation. If he was wrong about the US election, how many other prophecies had he given out affecting people’s lives that had been wrong too?
Instead we live in the real world, where people keep their brains in their heads as souvenirs and use them for nothing at all. And T.B Joshua is a charlatan, interested only in keeping his congregation coming back for more of his hocus pocus, so instead of humbly accepting he erred he’s keeping up the infallible meme his followers had created for him and is rather attacking those pointing out the obvious fact that he is a con man preying on people’s gullibility.
Taking to his Facebook page Sunday (the same place he made the failed prophecy of a Clinton win, which he then took down in embarrassment and put back up), Joshua hit back at his critics with a nonesensical post claiming some sort of spiritual superiority for himself, nonesense he knows his followers would eat up like manna.
“MY VIEW REGARDING THE ELECTION (US)” he titled the post, and for a brief second we thought he was coming to apologise for having smoked weed on the day of the prophecy and mistaking his ‘high-ness’ for a prophecy. Instead…

“We have seen the outcome of the election in America. Having read, you will notice that it is all about the popular vote, the vote of the majority of Americans.
In this case, we need the Spirit of a Prophet to recognize or to know a Prophet. Our levels are different. We are not on the same level.
We might have great cathedrals, huge bells, and all kinds of activities that are good by human standards but human point of view is limited.

1 Corinthians 1:25. The foolishness of God is wiser than that of men and the weakness of God is stronger than that of men. There is no shortcut to spiritual maturity unless earthly understanding gives way to spiritual enlightenment.
I see many people trying to interpret prophets on the basis of their own minds and ideas. The prophecy seems to cause uproar, to many who gave it different meaning and interpretation.
Finally, campaigns and elections in any democratic country in the world are never about one person, it is about the country we care and love. Whichever way it happens, we must accept the outcome and then look to the future (God), the Author and Finisher.
Democracy is all about accommodation. All democrats must value the process of democracy more than the product.
God bless the United States of America.

“We are not on the same level?” Really? We are not on the same level only in the sense that you make sh*t up at an unprecedented level. I think we’ve found the one bullsh*tter the world over who is better at the art than Donald Trump.
To all his church members rationalising his act, how do they square having an infallible prophet with a supposed direct line to God making such a fundamental mistake in their minds? Human beings would believe anything indeed.

This post was published on November 14, 2016 8:11 AM

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