Majid Michel
I am sometimes compelled to believe that the most unintelligent profession in the world is becoming a pastor or a man of God–that’s even if it’s worthy of being called a profession, considering the lack of ethics of those in it.
Reading a ‘holy book’ and throwing whatever interpretation you can fetch out of it even if it contradicts reason is pretty easy. You can decide not to even read it, just say what you think and mostly a credulous crowd will jump in support of your words.
Like most African pastors or men of God, Ghanaian actor now turned a man of God-Majid Michel is deeply ignorant–perhaps, even stupid. What else would push a man to make such a laughable and pathetic comment about an issue he obviously knows nothing about on social media?
It’s interesting how Majid Michel has self-posed a question (I have never heard of any intelligent person or scientist ever asking) and then proceeding to dumbly answer it in a ‘brilliant way’ for his now religious followers.
Over the weekend, I spoke to a colleague of Majid Michel and it was easy to ascertain from our conversation that, Majid’s hovering financial difficulties is a motivation in becoming a man of God–after all, that’s the most profitable venture in Africa.
Now, back to the main issue: Majid Michel took to facebook about an hour ago to write;
Scientist : i need to see God to believe in Him.
Majid : Oh, you don’t believe in God cos you haven’t seen him. So as a believer in science, have you seen the BiG BANG? Really, you haven’t ? #LEADERSHiP
First of all, when did any scientist ever say he or she needs to see God to believe in him? Clearly, Majid Michel does not even know the difference between a scientist and an atheist. And this man is supposed to be interpreting the Bible for people?
No reasonable person has ever said they need to see God to believe in Him, even the atheists or agnostics do not mount this insane question–yet a lot of ignorant religious leaders and people continue to manufacture the question as if it’s something valid.
Of course, I am smart enough to know what Majid Michel like most religious people who are not in tune with the argument or conundrum are trying to say, though completely off tangent with their question.
What atheists and perhaps some atheist scientists say is this; ‘I need to see evidence of God’s existence to believe in Him.’ And by this, evidence can even be a valid argument–that which has a stable premise out of which a valid conclusion can be deducted. The evidence must be measured with the same rod used in establishing the veracity or otherwise of some of the important things in life. What it can’t be is faith–believing without evidence.
Unbelievably, Majid Michel goes on to ask that has anyone seen the Big Bang to believe in it. Once again, he’s so lost–that he does not even know that no one believes in the Big Bang because of faith but because of the available evidence in support of it.
To be frank, it is a waste of time to even try to have any intelligent conversation with most African religious people–and this is mainly because folks like Majid Michel continue to feed them with the celestial manna of stupidity and ignorance.
This post was published on November 7, 2016 9:45 AM
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