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GhanaCelebrities.Com's Editor Says Sarkodie Needs to Go Back to School Or Start Reading Some Books Because FREE and PRO BONO Are Literally the Same


In Sarkodie’s newly released rap diss to M.anifest, Kanta, the talented Ghanaian rapper who many say has lost the battle to M.anifest went on a long chase—and somewhere, he threw in Free and Pro Bono, as if the two meant different things.
Fans of M.anifest on social media have smartly picked up on that, saying, Sarkodie was whack and too emotional—perhaps not intelligent as M.anifest who has had good education, that clearly reflects on his rap diction.
On this, GhanaCelebrities.Com‘s Editor-Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri who has an extensive legal education and knowledge and sits at a good corner to explain the commonly used legal phrase-pro bono jumped in to say this;

Go to school small ah you no go go—read books too, you no go read. You don’t even know FREE and PRO BONO are literally the same.
And folks say what, he murdered intellect? Yoo we hear you.
This is like Bishop Obinim debating Lawrence Krauss—on something out of nothing.

The rap line goes like this; “I have helped you for FREE but from now going we will help you for PRO BONO“—all we can say is Oops!

You can listen to Sarkodie’s Kanta below…

This post was published on July 4, 2016 11:51 AM