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GFA Orders Black Stars Coach Avram Grant to Return to Work As His Leave is Over

Avram GrantAvram Grant
Avram Grant

Why does it appears like everyone takes a huge piss out of Ghana—especially those we pay millions?
How can a high paying national coach like Avram Grant take a leave, stretch it to how long he wants—and has to be ordered by the GFA to return home before he even thinks about doing so?
And while he is on this unauthorized extension of his leave, he is definitely being with money which can be used to develop football in Ghana or pay the players the next time they make it to the world cup—because we all remember the infamous world cup money fiasco.
According to a StarrFM report;

The Ghana Football Association has ordered Black Stars coach Avram Grant to return home “as soon as possible” because he has outlived his leave period.

The former Chelsea boss has been in Europe since December last year and has on several occasions been seen doing punditry job on top international channels.

A letter from the football governing body in Ghana making rounds in the local media is ordering the Israeli to come back and monitor local players since he has not been asked to do any monitoring in Europe.

And this is what the e-mail sent out to Avram Grant by GFA’s deputy general secretary Alex Asante on Saturday, February 26th says;

“I have been authorised by the Emergency Committee to remind you that your leave days are over and as such you should report to Ghana as soon as possible

The position of the Emergency Committee is that you have not been given any permission or approval to perform any monitoring work in Europe for the months of January, February and March, 2016.

In the light of the above we kindly ask you to return to Accra as soon as possible to monitor some of the players in the national leagues.”

This post was published on March 2, 2016 6:48 AM