The debate over the soon to be implemented TV license fee brings into sharp relief one of the biggest problems with broadcasting in Ghana which we often sweep under the carpet– the largely dross programming Ghanaians have to deal with.
The argument largely, which I agree with, is that shoveling the money of Ghanaians into the hands of these people gives us no guarantee of improved programming.
Luckily, there is a programme on the horizon that would, in the short term at least, brightly improve the landscape on GTV, who we can all agree does not have the brightest of landscapes. ‘Guy Guy’ is the new star studded, hilarious, and pseudo real world show on the horizon that is guaranteed to brighten your day.
Often a conflagration of stars can either shine extremely brightly or just go up in smoke; but if Starr Fm’s operations have taught us anything, it is that the former is quite often just as realistic an outcome as the latter.
And ‘Guy Guy’ is set to continue that trend. When you have one show featuring Kalybos, Nikki Samonas, Da Hammer,Countryman Songo, Kofi Wayo, Master Richard, Choirmaster, Kaakie, Keche, and many more; you have to sit up and take notice.
And it does not disappoint, none of those big names disappoint. One big strength of ‘Guy Guy’, which is why I described it as a pseudo real world show earlier; is that most of the characters play a version of their most known and loved personas.
Kalybos, the main character, plays the Kalybos we all know and love from his now world famous skits. Always hilarious, if for no other reason Kalybos’ presence alone makes this show a must watch.
His antics, often geared towards winning the affection of his beloved Ahoufe Patri, are put towards other endeavours now, but are no less funny as a result. His chemistry with Nikki Samonas is great, and his interaction with her roommate, with whom he has a very hostile relationship, is pure comedy gold.
Countryman Songo brings his exuberant fire breathing to the show, as does Kofi Wayo. Mikki Osei Berko, the much beloved Master Richard, is as always a pompous burger who’s over the top claims are as ridiculous as they are untrue. But his presence works, as it does for most of the other guest stars who do not only bring prestige to the series by their presence, but actually deliver in their respective roles.
What it amounts to is a show that whilst slightly over the top, as most comedy in Ghana tends to be- works. ‘Guy Guy’ fortunately has a plethora of different styles to work off each other, giving its funny moments a more organic feel than most TV we watch today.
We would have more time to go into the specific positives and negatives of the show as we look at it on an episode by episode basis, but for now suffice to say ‘Guy Guy’ would be an instant improvement on anything you get to watch today.
And as a big critic of Ghanaian programming (there are many which I wouldn’t watch with a gun to my head), I can confidently say that ‘Guy Guy’ ups the ante, at least for now.
“Guy Guy” Series hits the screens on Saturday, August 8, 2015 and airs on GTV at 9:00pm (each Saturday).
“Guy Guy” is proudly sponsored by Kasapreko Alomo Silver and Vicco Malt.
“Guy Guy” Series is written and produced by Ghanaian Rapper-2ras and directed by Kofi Asamoah of “Kalybos in China” – it was shot on various locations in Accra.
Viewers of this new series should expect nothing but a well packaged comedy. Season 1 of “Guy Guy” series promises quality TV content full of drama.
Watch the promo for ‘Guy Guy’ below….