TV personality-Sandra Ankobiah does not just have ‘high brand’ confidence, she also has some mad body confidence—and she works out hard to hold onto that bragging right.
So when she hit the beach today at Ibiza, she went all out—putting that sexy bikini body on display while rocking her shades. Its’s Sandra, so let’s say some Gucci shade—in Lady Luck’s voice.
The photos seem heavily filtered/edited but they still seem like the best Ghanaian celebrity bikini body we’ve seen in a long time.
Flip to the next pages for more photos…
I Disagree Big Tym with a capital D. Its Still YVONNE NELSON. Bring the Pics Out and lets compare, contrast and dissect. YN agye b33biaa.
oh John wei di3 ka nokrw3…Sandra really looks good and normal…YN looks too skinny…but hey i see YN na you like…lool
ah me nua baa Missy paa, woahy3 da anaa? YVONNE NELSON na y33 ka ne ho as3m noo.. Sandra de3 s3 akwadaa. w) hy33 bikini da b3n? let dem bring it on. .. ossseeeeyyyyyy YN… LOL
Lol it won’t help YN as she failed her exams twice…she done suffer in our hands…???…but well I won’t lie…YN looks good…ay3s3 ne hu krwaa y3 me ahi…lol but I can’t hate on her….lol man dey tire working out for bikini body…
Missy, i saw your Pic in a Bikini and u rocked it well…. lol. yie m’awu!!!
Lol John oh John….??? John fu) di3 ka ne wu….3nam pa nkuaa
Oh Missy, obiaa p3 nam oo.. u need to hit me up one of these days. inbox me ya digits. nyame nhyira wo.
I also like Nikki Samonas in bikini and Nadia too is not bad.Alright Chris post all female Ghana celebrities in bikini and let us compare,contrast and dissect as John Vardis said and see who has best bikini body
Good idea but still John Vardis will stay loyal to YN…I personally think too much skin in bikini is too much…rather a bathing shorts and top for thick and curvy ladies…but this could be fun to see who is who…??
If a thick body comes i will go for that cos m3 num y3 me d3 paa.. me p3 nam rough. Anyway if there shd be a bikini contest y’all know YN is gonna win hands down. she started flaunting her bikini on social media before her peers started doing same and she looked good i mean sexy in it. but you know G.C or Chris will not bring out the best of YN’s bikini pics and you know why.
3h3 oyiwa…I knew its YN…well she looks hot in bikini…nokrw3 da h)’a na ya ka…loooool funny it’s a natural phenomenon that man like meat…nti 3nam di3 I can se s3 who n3 p3…??… GC Chris pls have that contest…
This is the problem with the black mind. The inability to critically see what is important. Putting on a bikini and showing up on a beach in Europe. Pretending you are high class when the whole world knows your city cannot even handle simple rainfall and your country is a shithole takes a certain level of delusion. This is my problem with these so called African celebrities. If your whole country is a glorified ghetto, buying an airline ticket and showing up in someone else’s country and posing for pictures, doesn’t change the fact that you are still from the ghetto. For those of you who have brains, juxtapose the images of the disaster in Accra(flooding/burning) and this girl’s Ibiza pictures and see the meaningless of it all. So what is the point of these pictures?
Meaning less show for those ignorant masses at home?
Does anyone believe that these images have a point in the Ghanaian public domain when you consider the shit taking place in Ghana? Posting bikini bodies when you have charred and well done bodies in your home? The whole exercise by Ghanaian celebrities is pointless. Just like those they strive to copy, like the khardasians have no real value in the American/European ideals.
To put it bluntly a Louis Vuitton bag, a holiday in Ibiza, a Gucci glasses, does not make one enlightened or a lady.
Oh my man/woman why?we are just having fun…ohhh like that you spoil the fun…we all know what’s up wae….eijj….hmmm
Exactly my point. Accra burns and floods and Ghanaians are just having fun. Distracting themselves with pointless gimmicks. Taking away the energy and steam built up by their frustration that can be channelled into real change. Instead Ghanaians will dance and drum away their sorrow and go to sleep and next year the shit will happen again. Giving a whole new meaning to fiddling while Rome burns. Go ahead have your fun. After all that’s what your leaders will do too. Dance away the problem in churches and funerals of the those unfortunate victims.