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Finally Someone is Kicking MovenPick Hotel’s Butt | The Hotel Has Been Sued for Not Allowing Women Without Male Escorts into Their Bars By 5 Doctors

Moven Pick Hotel

In February 2015, I wrote an article titledMovenpick Hotel in Ghana Does Not Allow Women into It’s Lounge/Bar Alone—Except When Accompanied by A Man?” which looked at the unacceptable discrimination Movenpick, a hotel based in Accra was championing.

In the article, I stated that; “This is preposterous and for some reason, I find it so hard to believe this is actually happening though a woman who claims to have been turned away at Movenpick has in detail narrated her ordeal.”

I added that “First of all, if you are a woman in Ghana and wants to make some quick money; this is the opportunity to sue Movenpick if they are indeed doing this—and make some big quick cash.

This is exactly what you have to do, get another female friend of yours and go to the Movenpick lounge/bar and see if any security guard (bouncer) would turn you away from entering the lounge by virtue of the mere fact that you are a woman.

And ensure that you have evidence of the turning away by getting someone to record this. Here, your friend can secretly record this or get someone to stand a little far and get things recorded. Don’t be rude—just be decent in your utterances…

If indeed this is happening, then it’s a clear case of gender discrimination in a free society—every judge would be upset about it and will reward you a huge compensation…

So that we are clear, gender discrimination/sexism is prejudice or discrimination (treating someone less favourable-“in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated”) based on that person’s sex or gender.”

Thankfully, 5 medical doctors who suffered this nonsense have taken on Movenpick, suing the hotel at the Human Rights Court for gender discrimination.

According to reports, “ the applicants, on February 6, 2015, had gone to the hotel to celebrate the birthday of one of their colleagues but they were turned away because they did not have male escorts.

The applicants — Dr Katherine Attoh, Dr Emmanuella Amoako, Dr Abiba Mustapha Saeed, Dr Rushije Esi Dela Hiadzi and Dr Najat Mohammed — are praying the court to declare that the conduct of the respondents in implementing a policy of denying access to the hotel’s bar to women without male escorts is unconstitutional, unlawful or illegal and constitutes a violation of their fundamental human rights.

The first and second respondents are Movenpick Ambassador Hotel Limited and Mr Hauser Axle, respectively.”

Lawyer of the 5 medical doctors-Professor Kenneth Agyeman Attafuah has filed an application with the court, arguing that, not only is the policy discriminatory, contrary to articles 12 and 17 of the Constitution of Ghana (1992)—but the “conduct of the hotel’s bouncers on February 6, 2015 ruined their evening and caused each of them grave embarrassment, humiliation and emotional distress.”

When you sit back and look at Ghana—sometimes you wonder who really is in charge. No hotel in any western country will be allowed by the government to operate this way.

Of course the hotel may have a genuine concerns of prostitutes using their premises for solicitation but to a place blanket ban is legally dangerous and unacceptable.

The fact that a group of women are doing something wrong does not mean, all women must be forced to act in a manner which is vividly unconstitutional.

In this modern age, a woman needs a man by her side before she can use a hotel’s bar? I don’t even want to think about what will happen to two lesbians if they decide to walk hand in hand to this place…

Moven Pick, Ghana

This post was published on May 22, 2015 12:25 PM

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