A Case for GOD | Does God Exist? YES…


Lots of people have asked this question, and finding an answer to it can have a deep impact on our lives. We came into this world knowing nothing. Knowledge acquisition was through agents like the family, schools, and largely the society.

Our hollow heads were filled with lots of things pertaining to this world, one of which is religion. We have been taught that God created this world and everything in it. Though we may occasionally ask paradoxical questions like, “who created God, how does He look like and who are His parents?”, not even the wisest men and scholars of high repute have provided answers to these questions.

Even Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, as recorded by the Bible, said he has never seen God before. That is why many find it puzzling that people still go ahead and worship God with their heart, soul and mind as mandated by His guide book, the Bible.

Many scientist and evolutionist have argued that there is no God. The likes of Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Friedrich have all shrouded their philosophies in science and have consequently dismissed the existence of a supreme God.

Others also see little practical value in religious teachings, or at any rate, fail to practice what churches preach. This is partly blameable on the perceived disconnection between Christians and their way of life. Pastors and their extortion in the church coupled with their opulence have further deepened the belief that even if God was alive, he is now dead.

Many who claim to believe in God make decisions as though he did not exist. Suffering and unprecedented calamity have befallen mankind. “If God really exists and he is all powerful”, the sceptics argue, “why does he permit suffering and doesn’t do anything to get rid of it?”

Some also equate faith or on a broader scope, believing in God with gullibility. They say that people who resort to faith do not want to think for themselves or allow hard evidence to influence their beliefs. Such infidels imply that those with strong religious faith ignore reality, making the subject of God and its related theories a mere myth. The foregoing scepticism surrounding God and religion is by no means new.

In order to provide answers that will change our perception and embrace the idea of God and his existence, let’s consider some hard probing facts.

Take a good look around you. What do you see? Cars, skyscrapers, computers, mobile phones etc. Who made them? Yes, all these items did not evolve from something; neither did they suddenly appear from a magic book. They were actually made by people.

So is it not logical that if someone produced all these, then a more powerful force created this world and all the things in it? Paul wrote in Hebrews 3: 4 thus, “for every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”

Admittedly, it is very hard to believe something that you cannot see with your eyea. Many of us do not believe in things that we cannot see, but it is only rationale people that will look beyond the scope to have a deeper understanding of things that surround them. The wind is a perfect example of something we cannot see with our eyes. Yet we know it exists. When it blows, we do not know where it is coming from or where it is going, but we “feel it”. This therefore explains that the fact that we can’t see God doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.

Another example is the universe. Many people have sought to find out how our universe got here. Many scientists believe the universe, by some mechanism, created itself out of nothing. However, astronomer Edwin Hubble (18889-1953) realized that a red shift in light from distant galaxies showed that our universe is expanding and thus had a beginning. Many other scientists have come to a unanimous consensus that life couldn’t have arisen on its own because of its complexity, not in an organized laboratory nor any environment whatsoever.

Charles Darwin and his group of sceptical scientists could not offer any explanation for the complex biological design on earth. Darwin in particular has not been able to explain how life began or what meaning it has for us. Scientific theories, as proven, only tend to explain how? But the key question centres on why? Doesn’t the mystery of life, including the universe (and its billions of galaxies) indicate that a higher intelligence or power is behind it, and that person is God?

Suffering in this world is not enough evidence to renounce God. Long time ago when Satan challenged God’s authority by telling Eve they can do without his rulership, God could have quickly destroyed him. But that would have cast doubt in the minds of the other angelic beings that were present, so in order to prove the truth or otherwise of Lucifer’s assertion, God granted Adam and Eve their independence and in effect allowed Satan to govern them. Thus, the real ruler of this world is Satan and NOT God. It is written in 1 John 5:19 that, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” And since Satan is a wicked, deceitful and a cruel creature, the world is merely reflecting his personality. It’s evident that God does not cause suffering.

Why then does God allow suffering to continue? Does he lack the capacity to deal with it? As clearly stated God wants humans to experiment with their own form of governance to see if they could be better off without Him. And what do we see? Humans tend to struggle, trying with much aggression to dominate and scramble for space which results in wars, oppression and suffering.  Despite strides humans have made in science to improve their living condition, poverty, pestilence and injustice pervade the earth, making nonsense of human “self rule”.

God really exist and the earlier atheist and pagans re-examine their belief system and allow simple logic to influence their outlook, the better. If all man-made products have a maker then it is not out of place to think that the world equally has a designer and consolidates the fact that God really exists.

Earlier on, I talked about the fact that many non-believers equate the belief in God (faith; knowing without direct observation, based on indirect evidence) to somewhat, stupidity. The Bible thinks otherwise.

In fact the Bible does not encourage people be gullible or naive. On the contrary it admonishes people to check facts and make discerning views out of issues. (Proverbs 14:15, 18; Romans 12:1; Romans 10:2) You don’t have to believe in God, all for the matter, His existence just because someone one tells you to. You have to observe the signs critically which abounds around us and are so explicit.

Whether you are educated or a layman just like me, examine this theme subjectively and draw a firm conclusion yourself. Perhaps Professor Michael J. Behe sums it up intelligently and eloquently. He stated: “To a person who does not feel obliged to restrict his search to unintelligent causes, the straightforward conclusion is that many biochemical systems were designed. They were designed not by laws of nature, not by chance and necessity; rather, they were planned……..life on earth at its most fundamental level, in its most critical components, is the product of intelligent activity.”

This post was published on October 24, 2014 7:54 PM

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