
New Survey Confirms Poor Customer Service Attitude In Ghanaian Banks

Ghana Commercial Bank
Ghana Commercial Bank

It’s been a little pet peeve of mine for a while, complaining about the attitudes those supposed to be ‘customer care’ in Ghana show towards the customers. If you didn’t know, it’s terrible, and attitudes like that in do not belong in any professional environment.

A recent survey by an association known as the Customer Service Academy, sampling banks in and around Osu, has found that customer care is far from the ideal institutions of such stature should be portraying.

The Osu area serves as a sort of annex to the Central Business District, so the survey was wide enough to cover variety of banks despite the limitations of geography.

The survey focused on a few areas, such as the availability of avenues for customers to air their views and suggestions, availability of restroom facilities, and crucially customer service relations.

Not surprisingly, no bank was able to score A, or 90% and above representing outstanding, four banks got ‘F’, with majority falling within average categories.

The survey also noted the absence of ‘name tags’ from tellers, whilst pointing out several negative attitudes exhibited by employees in their relationship to the public.

It also noted appearances sometimes played a role in the kind of service a customer received, hence someone all dressed up looking like a big man or woman might receive preferential treatment.

Pity they didn’t notice the super preferential treatments foreigners also get, that attitude always bugged me.

The rankings of the banks, graded by performance are as follows: A-, for excellent service had Cal Bank, GT Bank, United Merchant Bank, and UT Bank.

Access Bank, GCB, and First Capital Plus graded B, for very good service. Ecobank and Barclays Bank had C, representing Good service.

Fidelity Bank, Bank of Africa, Zenith, and Standard Chartered Bank got grade D, for above average service. ADB was ranked average, or grade E.

For the least grade, F, Royal Bank, UniBank, NIB, and Societe Generale all scored to represent the banks tagged with providing below average service.

Some of these are some of the biggest companies in the country, and they really shouldn’t be falling short at a concept as basic as good customer relations.

So there is the grading and if you bank with any of them do you agree with the assessment of the Customer Service Academy? Or your bank performs better or worse than were they were placed?

Personally, I say move GCB a couple rungs down.


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16 thoughts on “New Survey Confirms Poor Customer Service Attitude In Ghanaian Banks”

    • Ghana has poor customer service every where. The worst being hospitals.Geez. Nurses and doctors in ghana are the worst jokers ever. May God help us.

    • Ghana has poor customer service every where. The worst being hospitals.Geez. Nurses and doctors in ghana are the worst jokers ever. May God help us.

  1. I dont think it is only Ghana it is just African mentality, they just dont know how to talk and treat people it is so so bad,….

  2. I dont think it is only Ghana it is just African mentality, they just dont know how to talk and treat people it is so so bad,….

  3. Customer service and Ghana? That is oxymoron . From the local sellers to the top institution none of them must have heard of customer service before tweaaa

  4. Customer service and Ghana? That is oxymoron . From the local sellers to the top institution none of them must have heard of customer service before tweaaa

  5. poor customer services everywhere in Ghana…its really sad…can you imagine they insulted my aunty whiles in a que waiting to pay for an item….to them she didnt look Ghanaian…but eij she told them its really sad they dont know anything about customer services….they were shocked when she spoke twi…obviously they thought she was a mixed race…or akata

  6. poor customer services everywhere in Ghana…its really sad…can you imagine they insulted my aunty whiles in a que waiting to pay for an item….to them she didnt look Ghanaian…but eij she told them its really sad they dont know anything about customer services….they were shocked when she spoke twi…obviously they thought she was a mixed race…or akata

  7. I experienced it several times I went to Ghana I went to a bank at legon, the staff serving me frowned his face the while time, I was just wondering what is your problem, and on top of it all he was answering my questions with his head, I thought it was just rudeee, I couldn’t believe it, they behave as if someone force them to come to work, am used to them

    • loool say that again,…at least they have a job….somebody doesnt….none of them are at a gunpoint to work…this is really sad…i dont think most gh people understand what reputation means when it comes to business and the progress of a company

  8. I experienced it several times I went to Ghana I went to a bank at legon, the staff serving me frowned his face the while time, I was just wondering what is your problem, and on top of it all he was answering my questions with his head, I thought it was just rudeee, I couldn’t believe it, they behave as if someone force them to come to work, am used to them

    • loool say that again,…at least they have a job….somebody doesnt….none of them are at a gunpoint to work…this is really sad…i dont think most gh people understand what reputation means when it comes to business and the progress of a company


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