For some weird reasons, I thought by now Essien would have sorted out the problem between himself and his Dad. The whole drama is up again with the Dad calling for Essien to drop his name.
To some extent, I think the Dad has a point, after all if you claim I was not there for you when you needed me and for that matter, you would not take care of me at my old age, why are you still using my name then?
On the other hand, what is a name anyway? He can easily change it and the father will continue to be in his bad condition which he is seeking to improve. What do you guys think?
Anyway, read below for more…
James Essien, the biological father of Chelsea star, Michael Essien, is beside himself with rage as a result of the player’s failure to cater for him in recent years.
Consequently, the father has stated that the midfielder should cease using the name ‘Essien’ as his surname. “I have been ill for over a year now. It is Kyeremeh (Berekum Chelsea board chairman) who takes care of me, and I see no point in him continuing to bear my name,” he said on Happy Sports yesterday.
Reacting to what might have caused the player’s allegedly irresponsible acts, he said, “His mother has been ill-advising him to stop providing for my upkeep. I will go all out to ensure that he stops using my name. “Even if I have to drag him to the law courts, I will do that,” he added.
The player is alleged to have shirked his duty of taking care of his father for some time now. A few months ago, the father was in the media soliciting for support to take care of his medical bills; and moved by compassion, the board chairman of Berekum Chelsea, Emmanuel Kyeremeh decided to remit Essien’s father occasionally.
Daily Guide Sports further probed into the matter in an interview with Mr. James Essien’s new ‘son’ Mr. Kyeremeh, who confirmed the story. “It is true that I support Mr. Essien. I don’t take full responsibility of his upkeep, but I do support him,” Mr. Kyeremeh said.
Readers will recall that James Essien, Father of Michael, in early 2008 made claims t o the Sunday Mirror, an English newspaper, that his son was not taking care of him. Two years later, the issue resurfaced, with allegations and counter-allegations by both father and son, attracting mixed reactions from the Ghanaian populace.
Daily Guide, in an effort to uncover the truth, took a trip to the father’s village where James Essien confirmed that indeed his son had neglected him.
The Chelsea midfielder tried to douse the flames by releasing a statement, which read: “I have faced many many difficult challenges in my life but this is the hardest thing I have ever done as my heart bleeds over the false statements recently peddled by a small section of the Ghanaian media goaded by my own father.
“I had never wanted to discuss my family in public .“But for the thousands of Ghanaians and the highly respectable people of our country who have contacted me and know what I have consistently done for my father, I need to react to stop the attempt to destroy me in the eyes of the people of Ghana and disgrace my family. “Giving what I have done for my father, when I was told of the false, vile and degrading comments he made about me, I wept because people normally do not get insults for doing good.
“But my father decided to pay me back in such a terrible way. Because of this I have been unfortunately forced to say what I have done for him because he has gone to the extreme to disgrace my family. I will like to state the following facts:
1. My father currently lives in a three-bedroom house (not mud house) I instructed my sister to build for him with my own money.
2. He is visited monthly and more recently twice a week by my sister Diana on my orders to regularly give him money and other essentials I send. My mother, whom he has insulted so much, also provides for him.
3. I bought a car for him to make his transportation easier and part of the money I provide for him is used to fuel the car or repair it when it breaks down.
4. When his illness broke out I asked for him to be taken to the Asikuma Hospital but he said he wants traditional medicine. I provided money for him to undergo traditional treatment. It came to nothing and I ordered for him to be taken to the hospital. My family, I believe have also organised for a nurse to come home and look after him on regular basis.
“Because of these reasons and many more reasons I won’t state publicly, I am shocked by what he is alleged to have said but God knows I have done my best to thoroughly look after a man who didn’t even raise me or take part in my up-bringing and who has 8 other children who can help.”
This latest development seemed to have reopened an old wound, and whether or not this would fester or die a natural death, only time will tell.

Source: Daily Guide
Essien is a nice last name dats y he doesn wanna drop it..anyway Mike if u decide to drop here r sum names suggestions..of cos osei-tutu,asare-gyamfi,boakye-ansah debrah,opoku-ware,prempeh,agyekum-kufuor,..these r sum gr8 names in ghana..outside gh bullock,pitt,aniston,knowles,bridges,wahlberg,seacrest,clinton, n of ocs gr8 Obama..so just choose 1 ba ur dad is ur dad n gotta fix de relationship man..dat man is mad at u ba ders still hope..
essien need to take it easy on his dad ,this is getting too much.Essien kindly assist your Dad.
Hmmm, I wonder what exactly the problem is.As the saying goes”everything has a reason”, but then as much as it hurts you shouldnt treat ur dad this way especially when he is this old.
Hmm maybe y’all dont know how he feels. Some Fathers are really mean mean and eveil not excluding the one who brought me to this earth. He doesnt even call me neither does he take care of me and my brother. I know how essien is feeling. Maybe, he even went through much bitter things between him and his dad than i am going through but if he’s really taking care of his dad and his dad is claimig he’s not then he is nothing but a trouble maker. You did not take care of him but here you are popping out wanting to reap something you didnt sow.
@maame my sweet lovely sister hope your good I know where your coming fro but sometimes it’s better to show the posetive side negative side a good friend of my grew up without his dead and had so much hate for his dad now that he is a father himself he does things he neer did with his own father that’s being a good dad but he did show his dad that een though he wasn’t there for him he would never pay him with evil but rather set a good example
I mean I strongly believe that growing up without a fathers case and affection can be tough, but let remember “To err is human fut to forgive is Divine” Lets forgive one another since we are all humans and can make mistakes.
@Miyagi, nice mssage!!!!
Yes, reaping somthing you did not sow. Mike, my advise to you is whatever the situation may appear to be ,is now for you to do well and do what you can do and leave the rest with God Almighty is the JUDGE of all JUDGES. The GREATEST BOOK in the whole wide world states and I quote, “vengence is mine sayeth the Lord”. Hope you’ll take my peace of advise as we are all aware how crafty the devil is. do whatever a son or daughter is expected to do for a father, so that your blessings can continue to flow according to the will of God concerning you.
Very funny indeed.. So Michael Essien want tio tell us that a three bedroom he built for his father does not include a descent kitchen and toilet. I believe Essien mother is behind all these problems.. you know how greedy and selfish women can be… Michael think like a man and act as such… The things you tell us you provide for your father does not reflect in his lifestyle… Even in life we can even have mercy on our enemies not to talk abt the man who brought you into this world.. if not anything, you owe him that. Your children will one day ask you this question… Why did you treat grandfather like that and they will hate you for that..
Hey dnt say Women u kno Men does same thing
gud thut, i like ur comment…………………
@ Ben….No dear, if Michael will only take his time and explain to his kids the root of the situation / problem, they will understand, but this shouldn’t be the point here; we should all try to leave this poor woman (Michael’s mother) out of this thing and try to put ourselves in to this situation and see how painful it is. Have we come to realize how hard it is for woman to rear a child single handedly with the father alive and don’t care at all? To my fellow brothers and sisters, let me just tell you all that IT HURTS. I believe that we should pray that the grace of God Almighty leads him (Michael) into playing his role as a son onto this Mr. James Essien. The Bible says, the rejected stone always turns out to be the CORNER STONE. God has His own way of bringing His judgement upon His sons and daughters. Michae dear, forget about all that Mr. James Essien did to and do what is needed to be done and let God fight your battle. Just forget about the noise in market and do your purchasing.
very funny indeed… so michael essien want to tell us that the three bedroom he built for his father does not include a descent kitchen and toilet. I believe his mother is behind all these problems. What i will say is michael you need to think and act like a man. If he did not take care of you … remember at least he brought you into this and gave you a name…
God use his mother to nurture. Where was he ( Essien’s father ) wen he was growing up?Despite all what Essien did for his father, his father went ahead to tell the world this abt his son.
Is Essien his only child? What about his sister why not other chilren’s be shown to the world. I don’t know whats wrong we African parents abandoning their child(ren) to their mothers when its time to sow & God helping them ( children )come out great in life the father suddenly appears from the blues to HARVEST and go around telling people yes thats my son.Essien remembered the holy book which says take good care of ur father & mother no matter what dey have done to you and which he’s doing with all his heart through the sister.If he has turned out a bad child will he come to media to say Essien is my son & now he’s refusing to take care of him?The father is only suffering 4rm guilty concience of what he did to the boy and now Essien with God’s help turned out great & successful in life. He can’t tanish his image & career,let him meet other children of his to join Essien in taking care of him.My advice is Essien shld do what he can do 4 his father which i think he’s already doing & turn deaf ears to what ever people are saying bcos people will talk even when u do good or bad & concentrate in his career & family so u don’t abandon urs the way ur father did.May God help you in taking a good decision
@ Miyagi Well said! Ghanaian parents think they are entitled to reap of you just for the mere fact that they are your biological parents. Some parents don’t have a clue as to bringing up kids and yet they are the first in line to reap off you! It does not matter what you do for them, it’s never enough… they just keep wanting more and more and for some reason they always thinks it’s their due right! There is more to parenting than just making the baby…you have to bring them up, love and support them and strive to build some kind of bound with them. Stop taking your kids on guilty trip by saying, I carried you for nine mouths, I breast fed and I should have sat on your head at birth, if I had known you treat me this way. You reap what you sow…no sensible child will just decided to treat a parent who struggled and did their best to bring up them badly!
ur chatting crap! go and live in Africa n u will understand
My dear Andrew i live in Africa and in Ghana as well. Men here think it is the responsibility of the woman to take care of the children if there is a break up, but turn to forget that the children will grow into adult.Most men in Ghana r found of ignoring their children. I am an example of what Mike is going through. My mom had to strugle to enable me n my sis to go to scholl but now my dad is back without even a decent shirt. It is very difficult to accept such a man.
Michael i don’t blame u but all the same he is still ur dad pls help him n save urself the shame dat he is causing u.
Mr. James Essien a word of advice, going out in public is not going to help u cos u’ll even make ur son more angry better shut up n pray he forgives u give u some attension.
@miyagi i second u on dat but somhow i fink essein shld atleast consider.the last time they published a similar one where the father stated infact he looked after essein when he was a child nd even thru his secondry school but he confessed he wasnt sending him money.the man had 8children nd i fink in his condition he couldnt cater for all of them properly.i no esseins father in his days was also a very gud footballer nd i fink dat explains where essein got his talent from.im not defending the man but i fink the position where essein is now he can do a lil for da old man if not for anythin for inheriting his fathers football talent.
@inchristalone I watch his interview and read the 2008 interview with the sun newspaper and essien made
Some points
“1. My father currently lives in a three-bedroom house I instructed my sister to build for him with my own money.
“2. He is visited monthly and more recently twice a week by my sister Diana on my orders to regularly give him money and other essentials I send. My mother, whom he has insulted so much, also provides for him.
“3. I bought a car for him to make his transportation easier and part of the money I provide for him is used to fuel the car or repair it when it breaks down.
“4. When his illness broke out I asked for him to be taken to the Asikuma Hospital but he said he wants traditional medicine. I provided money for him to undergo traditional treatment. It came to nothing and I ordered for him to be taken to the hospital. My family I believe have also organised for a nurse to come home and look after him on regular bases.”
Despite the anger generated by his father’s allegation the Black Stars midfielder says he will continue to offer support to his dad.
“I want to state here categorically that even after such distasteful comments; I will continue to support my father as I believe it is the right thing to do,” Essien said.
After hearing his interview and reading the comments he made it looks more like someone in the family is not telling the truth at all and I doubt that it’s Essien
Well said Miyagi. I said it here before when the story originally broke out that this man is full of vile and he’s now proving it with his own words. I said it initially that if he really care about his Son and acting in a manly way, he would’ve approach some elders that his some respects and summon him in private. No need to bring out his business like this unless he seeks to pull him down!. And now his own words have confirmed it. He’s been tormented watching his son been a success without having any part in it. That’s sad.
“His mother has been ill-advising him to stop providing for my upkeep. I will go all out to ensure that he stops using my name. “Even if I have to drag him to the law courts, I will do that,” . Any adult with his/her thinking cap on will see through this has nothing to do with Michael but rather the fallout of the Dad and the mother continuing! He’s trying to get at the mother through Michael by pulling him down. Some Ghanaian parents I tell you. This is a bad case of PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) and most divorce couples through this phase. This explain why he has a false sense of entitlement as if Michael owes him something. I spoke of my own personal story which is very similar to Essien’s so it’s no surprise to me. I wouldn’t be surprise if some section of the media or even these money hungry evangelical pastors are trying to extort Michael and he’s not paying up so they’re bringing up these stories to drag his name in the mud. I say that because anyway you look at it, it doesn’t make sense. And whenever something doesn’t make sense, it’s a clear indication that some of the truth is hidden somewhere.
How can a man have a child and not raise it and later try to claim it? with your typical Ghanaian parents mentality of “Nyame na 3hw3 nkwadaa” (God takes care of children), no wonder. I mean, if you plant corn and it doesn’t rain and you don’t find any way to water it on your own, it will die out. And you’ll be left with nothing to harvest ’til the next season. I hate to to use that analogy but no different in this case. What or Who is encouraging this man to do this is what I want to know. I’ve changed my name more than 3 times just to keep memories of my father as far back in my head as possible and don’t regret nothing! Michael, give him his name back. hahahaha
It’s sad because he’s getting close to the ground and this is no time to be fighting an ex wife through his son. I’ve said it before and will say it again, As a Unitarian Christian, I have a soft spot in my heart for everybody but I DON’T FEEL SORRY FOR THIS MAN!.
My problem is, legally, how can he stop him from being called Essien? I know thousand and one Essiens?
Up to today of my legal studies, I have not heard of anyone owning a patent right to human surname or having some property interest in a name (that is treating a name as his property) to the extent that he can ask the court to restrict the usage…
What money does he have to go to the court? I thought he said he is broke? Now, he seems to have money for lawyers and all that….
This is not a patent right or some sort of copyright. Did he invent the name “Essien” or something? That part of his statement is quite useless and can never be legally enforced!
wot do u mean? l wonder why some pple are sooo retarded? Essien
mums’ house should have been shown then u would have understood
andrew dea obre3 na odeei wai…eny3 dea ekom de no
@Miyagi….WELL SAID and I also say AMEN to that short prayer or prophetic utterance to Michael. AMEN and AMEN! ! !
It’s really sad the condition Michael’s dad is living in, however, we don’t know Michael’s side of the story, so we need to go a little easy on him. Yes he brought him into this world, but he may have also done something horrible to him (oh yes, some parent do really horrible things to their own flesh and blood), we don’t really know, but all I’m saying is I don’t believe he’ll just decide to stop taking care of him for no reason. They are probably in a family feud of some sort and I hope they find a way to amend it soon. I don’t think what his father is doing will help the situation either, because if he is truly mad at him for something, him running to the media, taking him to court and asking him to drop his name is only going to escalate the situation.
no one shld blame assien out here……….this is a warnin to the men out there who impreginate women nd leave them without taking care of their responsibilities…..essien is rich,why wouldnt he care 4 da dad?the evil men do ………….
@nana yaa.a let me end the scripture for u; the evil that a man do…….lives after him. African men should learn a lesson from this. When you help a woman to bring child into this world, it is not of God for you to abandom them. They need to grow up knowing both parents, whether poor or rich. Instead, you men leave a woman alone to bring up a child going through a lot of things for the survival of said child, forgetting to know these are the kind of children who grows up to become successful like our son, brother, nephew, father, cousin, friend, teammate and etc……. the Bible says and I quote, “Train up a child the way you would want to see him grow. Where have you been all these years Mr. J. Essien? If I were in your shoes, I would rather reconcile with Michael and the mother instead of saying all the negative things about them. This will never, never help you old man. It is God who made Michael to be whom he is today and whom he’s gonna continue to be. So, pple , stop making comments that will never never improve the situation on hand. From my own point of view, we should all for that special grace of God that will enable Michael to see reasons to forgive the oldman. This oldman did not try at all……
why does the dad want assien to send him all the money he recieves monthly?essien,if yr dad insist of u droping the name,do so…….why dont he let the children of the woman he married´s children take proper care of him?u abandoned micheal nd his mum to suffer nd now dat the boy is rich u want him to send u 100million a month…lol…thief
jon am with u.is time that father to good care of your childern
dats the job ur sister had done Essien. she has left ur dad 2 rot n the shame is coming to u
Come on Essien, how much will it cost you to provide your dad with a decent living even if he didn’t take care of you. Am sure it will just be a percentage of your daily wage only.
l bet when he dies u will pay a lot for his burial. how stupid? its the mum’s fault. she is the cause and God will deal with her. If a sporting director had to come out and give handout to someone whose son plays at chelsea. That is a shame
@ Adrew Nope! it is not the mother, I believe it is God Himself who is teaching Mr. James Essien a lesson. To all so called fathers who just go around impregnating women leaving them to suffer and bring up your daughters or sons, get ready for God’s judgement that you will never, never escape from no matter how long it takes. God will always allow pple to 4get before He brings about His judgement. Even if Michael’s mum does not utter a word, God will have pple from all around the world to speak on her behalf. To every one who is shifting blames on the poor woman, pls know that this thing is very painful. If anything ugly had happened to Michael, pple would have been saying that she was a careless mother and all sorts of thing. so, leave the woman alone and let her enjoy the fruits of her labour and let Mr. James Essien eat what he also sowed.
@andrew i swear the mum is na gona pay 4 no shit when the man dies…….that is his punishment 4 no caring 4 them
If all that Essien is saying are true, then where from these poor pictures we are seeing. who might be telling the truth here? Daily Sports or Essien or the reporter
Someone is surely lying somewhere I mean look at this interview
Soccer hero Michael Essien and his dad, James Essien, are trading accusations and counter accusations about who neglected who and the world is watching the tango between pauper dad and billionaire son.
Michael has issued a detailed press statement on the matter and threatened to take a few media houses to court because he was unhappy about the way the story was carried and when News-One contacted James for an interview on the matter, he gave some shocking revelations.
Newsone has chipped GhanaCelebrities.Com some unbelievable pictures depicting the state of affairs from Michael Essiens’s father’s side.As we bring you the pictures, we will like you to go through the interview with Essien’s Dad as well Michael’s press statement and then make your own judgement. Who is lying and who is telling us the truth? What needs to be done? Photos are placed at the bottom..
Question: You seem to be destroying your son with this claim that he has neglected you.
James Essien: “It is not true I am out to destroy Michael, at least I am proud he has sent my name to the international levels and if I played football for Gold Coast and my son is playing for Ghana, what can I say but to be proud of him but truth must also be said that Essien is not looking after me as he is making the world to believe”
Question: Why is not looking after you as you are alleging
James Essien: I believe it is because he grew up with the mother, Aba, so he is closer to her and takes care of her but I am an old man and I cannot tell lies against my own son, Michael does not care about me. I have not seen him for the past 15 years and I have not spoken to him for the past six years because I do not even have his number, let alone contact him and his mother has refused to give me the number; the sister, Diana also says she does not have the number”
Question: But you know where to contact him when he is in Ghana.
James Essien: No I do not. There was this time I heard he was in Ghana and would be training at the stadium so I dressed in my best cloths and travelled all the way to Accra…After the training I went to the dressing room but when my son saw me, he bent his head as if he was lacing his boots and remained there for over 15 minutes so I went to him and raised his head.
Michael asked me who brought me to the stadium and it came to me as a surprise and I told him I was playing football at the stadium before he was born….When he got ready to leave I followed him to his car and reminded him that I came to see him for a discussion but he insisted he was busy.
I then asked for transportation back home but he did not give me and asked me to meet him at Novotel the next Monday. I managed to perch with friends in Accra and finally got to Novotel on Monday only to be told Michael Essien left the country Friday night soon after my meeting with him
Question: Could it be he was hurt because you neglected him as a child?
James Essien: Ha ha ha ha. I did not neglect Michael. When the mother and I broke up, he was about two years so all the children stayed with her but they always came to me during festivals and some holidays, it was after he got to France that I stopped hearing from him and had never had his number.
I looked after him and I was the one who even sent him to Sewedro Secondary school after his JSS. On that day I even had an accident and this is a story many people in Sewedro still remember. From there he had a scholarship to St. Augustine.
I must confess I was not sending him money when he was in school but it was not deliberate because I was not having money at the time… I did my best to look after him but as a revenue collector what could I have done. I took him to secondary school, when he had the Liberty opportunity I played a major role. You ask Alhaji Sly Tetteh.
Question: What about the three-bed room house he built for you?
James Essien: This is where I live; a mud house built by my brother many years ago even before Michael was born. It is the room in which I stay that he renovated and added a hall. He has never built me a house. I do not believe he wrote that statement himself.
Question: He claims he sends you money for your up-keep and car maintenance.
James Essien: Yes once in a while he sends me GH¢500 (about $400) but the money is not regular and at times has about six months interval. As for the car, it is still at the workshop because there is no money to repair it. I am the third person to own that car and it is not as new as you think.
Question: Is it true he pays for your medical bills and sent you to the Asikuma Hospital?
James Essein: If Michael Essien says he sent me to Assikuma Hospital, it is a big lie; it is a traditional medicine man that comes here to take care of me.
Question: If you had a message for your son, what would it be?
James Essien: Oh I want to see him. We should live as father and son. It is not that I am interested in burdening him with my problems. I was taking care of myself before Michael was born and since then I still take care of myself; look I was born on 28thSeptember 1932 so I not a small boy and there is very little I still expect from this life. But Michael is my son, my blood, the one that makes me proud all over the world and I must at least be made to feel like a father but not a stranger to him. I would want him to know I still love him as my child and follow his career and all his games. In fact there are things I want to tell him as a father, things I want to tell him in person.
Question: Thank you for the opportunity.
James Essien: Thank you and tell those who do not believe what I am saying to come here to see things for themselves.
Full Michael Essien Statement To The Press On Father’s Claims
I have faced many, many difficult challenges in my life but this is the hardest thing I have ever done as my heart bleeds over the false statements recently peddled by a small section of the Ghanaian media goaded by my own father. I had never wanted to discuss my family in public or any good I do to anyone because when you do good, you go only for God’s recognition.
But for the thousands of Ghanaians and the highly respectable people of our country who have contacted me and know what I have consistently done for my father, I need to react to stop the attempt to destroy me in the eyes of the people of Ghana and disgrace my family.
Given what I have done for my father, when I was told of the false, vile and degrading comments he made about me, I wept because people normally do not get insults for doing good.
But my father decided to pay me back in such a terrible way. Because of this I have been unfortunately forced to say what I have done for him because he has gone to the extreme to disgrace my family. I will like to state the following facts:
1. My father currently lives in a three-bedroom house (not mud house) I instructed my sister to build for him with my own money.
2. He is visited monthly and more recently twice a week by my sister Diana on my orders to regularly give him money and other essentials I send. My mother, whom he has insulted so much, also provides for him.
3. I bought a car for him to make his transportation easier and part of the money I provide for him is used to fuel the car or repair it when it breaks down.
4. When his illness broke out I asked for him to be taken to the Asikuma Hospital but he said he wants traditional medicine. I provided money for him to undergo traditional treatment. It came to nothing and I ordered for him to be taken to the hospital. My family, I believe have also organized for a nurse to come home and look after him on regular basis.
Because of these reasons and many more reasons I won’t state publicly, I am shocked by what he is alleged to have said but God knows I have done my best to thoroughly look after a man who didn’t even raise me or take part in my upbringing and who has 8 other children who can help.
What has surprised me though is how certain media houses in Ghana can present one side of a story and not seek to check the other side before going all out to criticise my whole family.
I want to state here categorically that even after such distasteful comments; I will continue to support my father as I believe it is the right thing to do. I will not discuss this matter further as I have asked my legal team in Ghana to investigate all the allegations and the media that callously carried out this agenda and take action where necessary.
hmmm certainly somone is lyin ampa but i fink it not esseins father neither essein himself.i fink essein didnt release dat statement .well whatever it is i pray they settle their differences cos dis is reali shameful.
True got a feeling that mum and sister are behind it
He could at least clean the wounds buy a nice home. And it will not cost Mike nothing, he is a multimillionaire. He he could allow the old man to move with him and stay with him in London
Cut off ur greedy bastard father. now dat he is somebody u know u have a son now. wat goes around comes around.
@syn ….thank you
‘@syn ……i think you are really stupid. get a life and i hope God forgives you. you know what? life is like a globe. it spins around and but it starts back where it started from. maybe his dad ddnt take care of him so what? havent you ever heard of forgivenes? yeah his dad ddnt take care of him but at least he ddnt die. God took care of him and gave him something to make him wealthy and God did all this not so he would teach his father alesson but so that he would be kind to him to prove a point to the world and to others that it dosent pay to be wicked or mean. aah, Ghanaians, learn the act of forgiveness. stop saying shit about his father and what you dont know and stop encouraging the boy to do evil. it is said in the bible that honour thy mother and father and you will live lon in the land God has given you. honour them regardless what they have done cos there was no exception to that rule. At least his father gave him life. ESSIAN, GROW UP.!!!! its time you start making some serious changes in your life choices.
Why Essien why Essien How much will ur Father spend take care of your Father No Matter what he brough you to this world
he brought him to this world nd neglected him…..its crazy man……the bible even talks aba this man
This shows how low Michael has sunk-new friends who don’t impact positively & a very selfish mother who will stop at nothing to humiliate the dad.
shut da fuck up
@nana yaa.a you need to shut the fuck up yourself because nothing good is coming out of you fuck child
@miyagi…..u gato shut yr freaking stinking mouth up…..u keep writing a whole book in here…..do u fink pple in here is got time to read yr fucking book?…..bitch plzzzzzzzzzz
Hmmm Like Tyler Perry simply put it, “Forgiveness is for you, not the other person” enough said. I don’t know the truth behind this story so I will leave it like that. @nana yaa.a ehye name u be killin em. ur name is almost the same as mine but with an extra ‘a’ nd space. I hope ppl doesn’t confuse the two of us. I’m the original nanayaa up on this site.lol j/k
Essien, have always held you high. I like you as a person and the way you play. But please, please, help your dad. Whether you do and he refutes, keep on helping him. He is your father for heaven’s sake. Whatever happened between your father and mother, you should not get in between. They are your parents.
Time will come, when he is gone, you will for sure miss him and you will think twice. Am telling you this because it has happened to me. If only I had helped my dad…..I got myself involved in their issues and now that he is gone and after learning the truth, I always feel like going the grave and apologizing. But it is too late, he has gone.
Don’t listen to so many stories, do what you have to do. He is your father
I am from South Africa and I know hundreds of people without fathers who after they grown up got better jobs they go all over the country up and down searching for their fathers who left them or even don’t know about them. So they go about and discover them maybe on the city streets and parks and they embrace and happily they are united like real father and son, all has been forgiven – the pressures of life sometimes can make us do things that are not good, but as humans given consciousness above that of animals we forgive and embrace. Human life is more than possessions is more spiritual and divine. Oh as an African how happy I am relaxing on my couch watching TV seeing Michael Essien my brother dictating issues in the middle of the park on the biggest footballing stage!!!
Im a big soccer fanatic and chelsea happens to be one of my teams and I like how he plays on the field and thats why im even commenting but putting the whole thing together I have lost complete respect for him.. I have seen a few interviews of him and he seems to be natural soft timid. It would have been better his real life is like how he plays on the field fearless and uses his head..it seems like he is taking sides with feud between his pop and mom. Even if he didnt take completely care of you he helped in a way to make you who you are today. People that gets neglected completely like you said even without the millions and all lat still forgives their pops and moms and still go out there searching for em to let them know its ok. How much more you who is making millions even if you wont forgive him take care of family man, family is family no matter what. Or are gonna take all the with you when you die. Like I said with the kind of money that he is making no one in his family should be starving..he is a man now (well I thought he was) and should not be giving money to his sister and mother to be given to his father. Or are there no phones and western unions in his fatherland lol..thats disrecpectful even in itself. That boy is a wussy and needs to grow up
I thick mike should forgive andforget most of our fathers in ghana did not look after us growing up ,i leave in london my father did not even know how get here but ilook after him,is ablessing as long as he say thank you , youare bless
mike can 4give da dad and i fink he has alreadily 4gave him….but the dad feels so big………u said u dnt have money but u have got money for lawyers……..guys learn yr leasons……take care of yr children to the fullest so dat in future they can be willing to do same when u old
Nana yaa or whateva your name is shut the fuck up with ur nonsense. you monkey daughter of.. Thats why I barely come to this site or comments becuase I see alot lot of people here do not use their head,have low iqs and plain imbeciles..i will start commenting more to make people like ur ass to use the matter between ur ears…i have been going thru the thread and like a fucked up woman(no offence to other women) ur only using ur emotions and being sentimental and not reason with ur head.. He didnt take care of his son bla bla and thus he shd leave him to rot in his misery bla lala
Look the mistake the man made was having too many kids and on top of that seperating from them and not been there most of the time emotionally and financially of course.Yea he wasnt there for em all the time but he put him in school and it was his influence as a footballer that got micheal to be selected to the under 17 team for him to showcase his talents tk the outside world.
I dont know the extent of the wrong and the family feud but I know one thing with the amount of money michael is making a week no one in his family should be living under these conditions I dont care if its his father aunt siblings or anyone in the family.. For crying out loud the pop is close to 80yrs old how much will it take to care of the old man.
Personally I think essien is sending money to be given to his pop but its not getting to the father. And instead of being a real man and assertive and taking care of the situation between the mom and the father which is draging his name to the mud, he is rather being a mumu and letting the sister and mother mess everything up. I lost respect for em cus he seems like a mumu of a guy no wonder nadia left him. He needs a backbone. . I love my mom to death but something like when never happen to me no matter how much my pop neglects me. I mit not treat them the same but still what im I gonna do with all that money. Like why woulda give money to my mom or sister to be given to my father.smh. Man essien is a mumu mamas boy
@41cedis or woteva u kal yrself……i couldnt read this whole book but i was able to read 2 lines……..u cant fucking chat rubish in here aba me nd go free ok…..you dont fucking no who i am ok,,,,,,you stinking animal…i dont fink u will be able to stand me in the face when u see me…foooooooooooooooooooooollllll…..
listen y’all….just give michael essien a break ok……… this thing abt “he is ur dad no matter what” doesnt wash……….. some parents are just too greedy. if essien was not making so much money, wud his goddamn father complain?…….. the talk of essien picking up the footballing talent from his father is ludicrous cos then every footballer’s child would be playing football. we learn to play football, its not some goddamn code on some gene. Ablakwa’s father made similar outbursts a few months ago and so putting the two cases together i ask,….. is it legally binding to cater for ur parents?…. the answer is no! however it is the responsibility of every parent to take care of his or her children. James Essien should thank his stars he didnt get to see the walls of a cell for his irresponsibility……. Even my father was pissed when he heard Mr. Essien……………….
@ofui that should be ur name cus im not even gonna bother with the garbage you spewed up there..but to answer your question yes it should be legally binding to call you a fool..boy you and ur pop should put the pipe down
@41cedis…he goat….drop yr address in here in u even have one….and face me ….foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
But Michael´s father is not da only person called Essien, so why does he claim the name to be his. However, Essien should forget everything and take care of his father. That man needs his help and the way he is living is really terrible. Afterall, it won´t cause Michael essien fortune taking care of his poor father.
Lets hope that reason and sense will catch up with Michael Essien to do the honorable only humane thing. There is no debate about this. For me this has not as yet filtered through my mind as real. It seems it is dream and I will wake up and find it is just a dream. Me living in South Africa I did not know about this. I stumbled across this website during lunch time today because I was looking for some information about Ghana vs England game.
It is true Bamako. The Bible talks about this that there will be a time where people will lack natural affections. I wonder those white essien team mates are thinking about blacks in general when presented by something like this…
eeeeeeiii ghanafoc ne ififimu paa nie….so someone actually went to the extent of taking all these crappy pics….leave essien to deal with his family matters damn!
ya need 2 work on ya grammar chaaaal
Maybe his Dad did not take care of him, but isn’t it a disgrace to let his father live like this? After all, he gave birth to him. Most importanly, this is ruining his reputation. People see him as an idol and he has to set an example to his fans.
lmao are you that scary that we want be able to stand in your face bitch get the fuck out of here
@nana yaa.a speak for your self not for others motherfucker who the fuck do you think you are dont come and play some gangster shit down here fucking skank
@miyagi….get the hell at ma back u bitch ass fustrated foooool…stinking he goat
@nana yaa.a Kwasia panin, w’enim koo se beifo a w’a to mogya mu old retarded bitch like I said who the fuck are you vine harder than that because you really sound like a little bitch playing on a fucking swing dirty slag
@miyagi…..what kinna name is this…..hey bitch where is ya location?guess u havnt got nuffin better to say stinking goat…..b4 i continue tell me ya age nd location,nuffin ba the truth….abowa bi ba
krasinii u cant even face me….abowa bowa……u na even ma class krasinii bi ba….guess u dnt hav an address abowaa…..nxt time wen u see me commenting in here pass by ok……kwasiaaaaa
@Nanaa yaa .a Hahahhahahahahah your funny can’t stand the heat dirty ass slag I don’t have an address joker get the fuck out why should I be giving an imbecil like you my address your having a laugh stop acting G’Up because to me your nobody
Bitch ass cartoon chatting big things like your some gangster Joker dig our grave jump in there and stay there
miyagi i just heard u a gay……oh so u fink u can fuck ma ass right?lol bitch ass nigga…..ya ass is leaking i can send u sum pamper u knw………son of a bitch….
@nana yaa .a don’t you see how said you are now so now your even hearing I’m gay bring your mother and I will show you who gay is and if you so called source is reliable with his stupid information your to said my God I feel sorry for you ain’t any o e in your family smart at all dump chicking
shame on mr gay…..gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy….yr ass is fucking leaking abowaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I wish I had a lower I.Q., so that I could enjoy your company. Your a joker once a fool always a fool
if i knew u were a gay earlier,i wouldnt hav waisted ma time u knw……who is more foolish than a gay?i dnt fink u have even got a family…kwasiaaaaaaaaaaaa….u na a real man….kwasia kwasia
u knw i think u guys are all jus being reali stupid……when u get sum internet tym n dnt knw how to use it, i advice u try takin sum online courses n make a living for urselves…..instead of wasting evrybodies tym wif ur stupid comments…. who the fuck do y’all think u are?? commentin on how some 1 shld spend their money…wow, dats sum bullshit…the fact dat he’s a celeb an his bussiness is in the open doesn’t mean u knw shit about him or judge him……y’all r jus a flock of shallow minded fuckers who only luk at stuff one sided…..yeh yeh he has soo much money soo he shld take care of his dad no matter what……do u hv any idea wat he has bn thru? hv u any idea the kidda father he had?? wen he was goin thru his darkest moments wer u there wif him??? do u knw what he had to do to get to wer he is now???? u knw i’m not sayin its a good thing that he is not takin care of his dad, niether i’m i saying he shld, all i’m sayin is, u guys shld learn to keep ur stupid judgmental comments to ur selves…..sum of u comment lyk u can do no wrong bt u know, u can never be too sure unless u’ve been thru wat he’s been thru n got to wer he is now…….then i’m sure u will see this whole story frm a different view…. i mean frm my point of view i will say hey wat the heck jus take care of ur dad… bt at least i’m nt sounding judgmental…..cos its his decision to make
@Miyagi I dont know you but trust me just ignore her.. I didnt even bother when I seen her replies to me..thats what u do to monkey h.oes you ignore them they only understand one language. A train of bananas(DICKs). There is money to bemade I dont waste my time with bitches I only give em dicks to choke on. Just ignore her.
@41cedi well spoken Nuffield respect for that
Girls who thinking of having a family with him should think very well and know the kind of man he is before falling in love for him…….. even if the old man is not his father but a family member who needed help from him I think he should beable to help that old man and get more blessing in whatever he do in this world………………..Not only his father but everyone who read this news will be so disappointed in him……. What a fool…………………
Micheal i dnt blame u bt u have to 4get about d past cause his still ur father,u cant use someone else as ur father neither can buy a father wit all ur money.and 4 his father what if Micheal wasnt succesful wat wud he do
Mick is not only selfish he is also very nefarious. We are talking about an old man suffering here and people are justy been myopic here and giberrishing. I never wanted to comment on this issue but to put words accrose to some jejune and mudane fools commenting on this issue. If senior Essien wasnt his father maybe just a relative, with all the money in the world Mick earn at Chelsea, cant him take care of him? This same useless good for nothing Mick will take care of any relative from his mother’s side. What does he thinks he is? Is he God? I am going to put this story on facebook to disgace Micheal,. I am a Nigerian living in Italy for 20yrs, ex footballer of semi professional experience here in Italy from 1991 till 1998. I had a very close situation with Gargo when he was playing for UDINE here in Italy about 200km from my house. It will not cost Mick a week wage to take care of his old sick father. Decent home 3 cars and a good welfare parkage for the rest of his life. If his father didnt take care of him and so what? Those he know the condition of the father then or the reason why he didnt take of him? Why cant he even think maybe because his father has treated him this way is the reason God has made him to raise from grass to grace? What if his father has taken care of him and the father gave him another direction in life like schooling to be a Lawyer or lectural? Does he think he can aquire this name and money he is enjoying today? Mick is just stupidly mawkish, i dont want to bring up the mother abysmal enmity towards the father, maybe same demeanor of the mother was the reason the old man chase her away . Mick mothers must have been a very bad an irresponsible woman while she was young. There are rich people funding charity, there are rich people given scholarships, mick is tieing his money to his chest and the mother and sisters are flirting with his money. He is not even ashamed to say his father has other 8 children to take care of him, when your money can take care of your father and all the 8 children. Where was Mick when George Weah was sponsoring the Liberian team alone? Weah even left 1 million dollers for millan when Berlusconi wanted to part with such money to bid him far-well, but he turned it down to say Milan will always be his home. Micheal Essien U are a BAD MAN and bad news to man race. God will never forgive u for the inhuminity to your father. If u cant save your father u can never help anyone in life. Learn to be afraid of tomorrow instead of worry about yesterday. The money u have is not your own , they are given to u by God because your father wasnt there for u. If u dont want God punishment more than your father’s own, u better be there for your father now. What is wrong with u going to see your father instead of sending your sister?
Many African/ Black fathers should learn from this!!! No body know about the future, let love guide your everyday life.
dat father of essien is near his death time n wants to have a gud funeral dat is why he is making so much noise.he should spare us all these controversies and enjoy the honour of having a son like mike.if he was a responsible man he would have been enjoying like mike’s mum.is a lesson to the youngmen, claim and be responsible for the ‘sperms’ u litter around. Left with me alone he should……….! Anyway! Michael dash!is a great name. U sey wetin, michael?
Take care of ur dad if u want to and if u don’t want to don’t do it.Follow ur heart and do what it tells u don’t listen to any body
Gud for him(fater)stupid old idiot..is he da only child u have?where were u wen suffering wit da moter?at least u have fud to eat he is still kind.trying to spoil his name for wat?may god help u.u just jelous of te moms properies.u back cause his rich fooooooOl
@penny, essien is irresponsible,the cost of his sunglasses can easily treat his fathers leg!U ghanaians have to change ur lifestyle.Essien throws enough bash in london carry big babes like nadia both dont these pple ask for his Dad?Hes a fool like many ghanaians.
Micheal essien sud find a way of resolving d whole issue wit his dad..i went tru some ghanian cultures and historical backgroud and i cud see dat its normal fO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я men marry lots of wives regardless of der wealth..if we are sayn its bcos he married lots of wifes we sud also remember dat essiens mum ws d last wife and if he had married a wife..essien might nt have bn born..essiens hs t̶̲̥̅ơ̴͡ forgive his dad cos his dad’s absent 4rm hs life might jst have bn a blessing in disguise fO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я him..let’s see it like dis.. He might have bn ds successful if he had lived wit his dad cos all d other children dat lived wit him were nt as successful..God has a way of doing his things..he has 2 forgive his father and take his father’s blessing maybe dat will even help his carreer more..and the injuries his bn having and..maybe
my brother blessings come from dads ,dont think youve made it ,what about your kids in future do you know whats going to happen to them?think again
I see a problem I have faced too.The support and facilities Mic. is providing through the sister is not reaching the father or if is does not all of it is going through.it is clear from the pictures that what he is telling us is different from what obtains on the ground in Ghana.